in FreeCompliments2 months ago


It seems though faithfulness is a rare commodity in today’s society. Celebrity breakups regularly make splashy news headlines. Business leaders are caught cheating their employees, customers, and stock holders. Politicians are found to be far from keeping their campaign promises. Even pastors sometimes fail to remain faithful to all they are supposed to represent. Your teens have probably seen and experienced enough by now to be more than a little skeptical about faithfulness. They’ve likely been betrayed, let down, and disappointed at some point in their young lives.

Use this week’s study to point your students toward the ultimate example of faithfulness: Jesus Christ. Remind them that He will never break a promise or fail them in any way. He demonstrated His unfathomable commitment to us when He came to earth to die on a cross for our sins. This knowledge should inspire us to serve Him faithfully — no matter what others choose to do.

As you prepare for this week’s study, consider you level of faithfulness to your students. Are you taking time to get to know them? Do you pray for their needs? Do you spend an adequate amount of time getting ready to teach? They must know that they can count on you. Your example of love and faithfulness may ultimately lead them to the One on whom they can always depend.






Philp 2:25-30; Col 4:7-9, 14; 2 Tim 4:10; Phile 10-12; 1 Jn 2:15-17.


Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, >the devil shall cast some of you into prison, >that they may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: >be thou faithful unto death, >and I will give thee a crown of life (Rev 2:10 KJV).


God calls us to be faithful to Him.

If we fail to stay committed to God, we can ultimately forsake our relationship with Him.

Stay faithful to God by keeping your love for Him strong and commit to serving Him no matter the sacrifice.


God blesses those who hear, believe, and obey Him.


Surely! every student at the end will be able to:

  1. Identify the path to a blessed life.
  2. Learn how to apply the principles of the Law to their personal lives.
  3. Seek to be people of character.

## Activity Option:

Show students photos of people who hold interesting jobs and positions of authority (e g., police officer, football player, doctor, nurse, etc. ). Talk about the importance of faithfulness in each of these roles.
Discuss the following questions:
• What might happen if these aren’t faithful to fulfil the obligations their job promises?
• Why is faithfulness important in society? Why is faithfulness important in God’s kingdom?

Guide: Explain that faithfulness and commitment are critical in the lives of Christians. God has entrusted us with a responsibility to serve Him and reach out to others with His message of love and hope. Unfortunately, selfishness and a need for immediate gratification keep many people from accomplishing His mission.

Study Overview:
Today’s study considers the followings:
• What role faithfulness plays in the Christian life.
• why it is dangerous to love the world rather than being committed to God.
• How it is important to remain faithful even during times of adversity.


A). Onesimus: Important But Unseen

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Col 4:7-9. Paul described both Tychicus and Onesimus as faithful and dear. Why did he need faithful helpers in his ministry?

[Hint: Paul’s work was not always easy. At times he was threatened, mocked, criticized, stoned, and imprisoned. He needed people he could trust to carry out the work of Christ in spite of the obstacles they faced.]

Adversity often reveals our level of faithfulness. It’s easy to serve Christ and love others when all is going well. But what happens when everything seems to be going wrong? How do we react when we meet people who aren’t so easy to love? If we’re truly faithful and committed to God, we’ll choose to do what’s right regardless of the circumstances.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Phile 10-12. What did Pauli mean when. He said Onesimus had been useless in the past (verse 11)? How did Onesimus become valuable to Paul?

As a slave, Onesimus was not faithful to his master. He had abandoned his duties and ran away. But after he became a Christian, Onesimus was a great help to Paul, who was in prison. He was such a blessing that Paul wanted to keep him near. He had become like a son to the apostle (verse 10). However, Paul knew his friend’s first obligation was to be faithful to his master.

It’s not hard to be faithful to the obligations we enjoy.
For instance, it’s easier to attend football practice if we love playing. But God calls us to be faithful even when it isn’t easy. Onesimus returned to his master because both he and Paul had chosen to do the right thing and demonstrate faithfulness to God.

Note: Paul’s actions in sending Onesimus back to Philemon must not be confused as divine approval of the institution of slavery. God cares deeply about the plight of slaves. Yet, forcing major political change would have caused widespread turmoil for the Early Church.

The gospel works first on individual lives, then spreads to society. The New Testament did establish guidelines for both the Christian slave and master that made it impossible for believers to take advantage of one another in good conscience (Ephesians 6:5-9; Col 4:1).

B. DEMAS: Failed Commitment

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Col 4:14. Based on this verse, what kind of person do you think Demas was? Why?

Demas appears to have been a faithful ministry partner who worked alongside the apostle. He was known by the Colossian church, and Paul respected him enough to include him in his greetings to the believer’s there.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read 2 Tim 4:10. What do you think Paul meant when he said that Demas deserted him because of his love for the world?

Demas apparently abandoned Paul and the ministry in the time of need because of worldly distractions.

Demas may have been pulled away by ungodly desires, Perhaps he sought wealth or the approval of others. He may have discontinued his association with the imprisoned apostle for fear of being arrested or harmed himself. Whatever the reason, Demas did not remain faithful.

  1. How did Demas’ actions affect Paul? How do you think those same actions affected Demas personally?

We can assume that Paul was hurt by his friend’s desertion. It’s always painful when someone close to us abandons us or abuses our trust. On the other hand, Demas possibly missed out on the opportunity to continue in Paul’s ministry. He might have played a larger role in the formation of the early Church if he hadn’t turned his back on God’s plan.

We don’t know what became of Demas, but it’s possible that he walked away from God completely and missed out on eternal life. What tragic ending that would be for someone who had witnessed firsthand the Holy Spirit’s power and the spread of Christ’s influence in the world.

  1. Read or have a volunteer read 1 John 2:15-17. What does it mean to love the world?

Those who love the world are intent on pursuing things that will not last, such as money, possessions, power and popularity. They turn aside from life’s real treasure — a relationship with Christ — to chase after temporary things and the short-term pleasures they may bring. It’s impossible to love the world and remain faithful to God; for those who love the world are separated from God and His will.

C). EPAPHRODITUS: Faithful to the End

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Philp 2:25-30. What difficulties did Epaphrodites face? How did this affect his faithfulness to Christ and his mission?

Epaphroditus had risked his life and sacrificed much for the sake of the gospel. He had remained faithful in spite of his sickness. Because of his faithful service, Paul said he was worthy of honour.

  1. Whom do you know is worthy of honour because of their work for Christ? Explain.

Involve Them:
Read or have a volunteer read Rev 2:10. Discuss with students what it means to be faithful to the point of death. Provide some examples of people who suffered injury or death for their Christian faith. “Foxe’s Books of Martyrs” is a good source. Some discussion questions are: What are some circumstances that might tempt you to turn from what you know is right? What can you do now to ensure that you will remain faithful to God when such temptations arise? Have you ever been mocked or suffered in any way because of your relationship with Christ?

How have you remained faithful to God in the past in spite of difficulties?

Inspire Them:
Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study. Pointing out WHAT the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can practice the lessons learned.

Ministry Activity: Encourage students to examine their level of faithfulness to God. Have them consider the Followings:

  1. Do I Routinely set aside time for prayer and Bible study?
  2. Do I prioritize a relationship with God above all other things?
  3. Do I try to make decisions based on what He desires?
  4. Do I use the Bible as my guide for daily living?

Encourage students to spend some time in prayer. If they feel their faithfulness to God is lacking. They should ask Him to forgive them for their shortcomings and increase their faithfulness.

Invitation Option:
God demonstrated His amazing love and faithfulness for us by dying on the cross for our sins. The Bible says we’ve all failed to keep God’s commands. But we can receive forgiveness by accepting the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers. Offer to pray with students who want to begin or renew a relationship with Christ.

Monday: Jesus: Our Supreme Model Of Faithfulness — Gal 2:16,20
Tuesday: A source of Encouragement and Comfort — Ps 25:10; 36:5
Wednesday: Model God’s Character — 1 Peter 1:14-16
Thursday: It Takes Faith to be Faithful — Dan 6:4,10
Friday: Faithfulness: Our Responsibility — 1 Cor 4:1-2
Saturday: Motivations for Faithfulness — Col 3:22-25

The original production and publication of this extract belong to Sunday School Department of Assemblies of God Nigeria, as shown on the front page. We teach in the church and social media platforms available.

