in FreeCompliments2 months ago





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Psalm 139:1-4; Matthew 11:28-30: Luke 15:11-24: Romans 3:22-24; 5.6-11; 2 Corinthians 3:18-4:1; Ephesians 2:10; Hebrews 4:13-16; 1 Peter 3:18 ;
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All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to met will never drive away (John 6:37 NIV).
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As socially inclined as some teens seem. Most of them are fighting with insecurity and sometimes, they are misunderstood. Many are going through some transitions such as: physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually.
Sometimes, what they know is very hard to accept. Sometimes, the self-esteem emphasis we make won’t adequately boost their self-image or give them a clear perception of their lives. Only God can help them.

However, getting teens to see things from God’s perspective can be very tough. Many fear that if their deepest thoughts and secrets were revealed, others wouldn’t accept them.
How can God, who knows all, accept them?

As you help students understand that no sin, no secret, no struggle they face diminishes what God thinks of them, they can begin to accept themselves as He made them and accept the changes He wants to make in their lives.

If you’ve struggled with the concept of God’s grace in your life, let God assure you of His unconditional love, even as you prepare this lesson. Let it motivate you to live a transformed Christian life. Consider sharing a part of your experiences as you help your students to march forward.
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Explain to students…
• WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA? Nothing can prevent God from loving you as you are and wanting to help you become a better person.
True security and self-worth come from being valued by God, building a-relationship with Him, and becoming all He created you to be.
Pursue God’s will for your life without being hindered by personal limitations or regrets from the past.


Ask students the following questions:
• How many people really know you well — not just surface?

[Guide: Encourage individual responses. If some students are sensitive due to lack of deep relationships, ask this more general question: “How many really deep relationships does the average person have?”]

• Why are we deeply known by so few people even though we interact regularly with so many?

We open up only to a few, and only a few people take time to get to know us.

Study Overview:
Explain that today’s lesson considers...
• How God’s love is unconditional.
• How God accepts you as you are but won’t leave you that way.
• How God’s love can improve your feelings about yourself.


a) Sin can’t stop God's loves

Write the bulleted categories listed below on the board. Then read or have volunteers read Rom 3:22-24; 5:6-11; and 1 Peter 3:18, while the class listens for and lists the items that fit these categories.

Their answers should include:
• Our Condition: sinners, short of God’s glory, powerless, ungodly, enemies of God, unjust.
• God’s Standard: righteous, love, justice.
• God’s Response: justified us freely, grace, Christ died for us.
• God’s Reason: reconcile us to God, bring us to God.

  1. How did our condition prompt God’s actions?

[Hint: Though we did nothing to deserve His love, He sent His Son to die for our sins.]

  1. What does it mean to justify?

[Hint: It means to make things right or to restore someone to a state of righteousness.]

  1. What does this say about God’s feelings for you?

[Hint: Jesus went to the ultimate extent for you to have a chance to know Him. The Lord Jesus Christ is interested to have a relationship with you. How many people would go that far to be with you, especially if you didn’t care about them at the time?]

b) Secrets can’t stop His love
Activity Option:
Allow students to talk about who knows them best and describe how or why their relationships with these people are deeper than others. Have them describe their comfort level with these people and why they feel comfortable.

  1. Read or have volunteers read Psalm 139:1-4. What does this portion of the Bible says about God’s knowledge? How does this make you feel?

[Hint: God knows all about you — everything you’re going to do, feel, think, and say; It might make you feel self-conscious.]

  1. How would you feel if other people knew this much about you? How would such knowledge affect their perception of you?

[Hint: Most of us would be very uncomfortable if someone knew us to that extent. Many are probably uncomfortable at the thought of God knowing us like that. But we don’t have to be uncomfortable with Him.]

  1. Why don’t you have to be uncomfortable about God’s Insight into your life?

[Hint: As described in earlier Scripture passages, God desires to have a relationship with you regardless of your current condition.]

  1. God knows all about you, yet wants a personal relationship with you. What does that say about His love?

[Hint: His love isn’t based on who you are or what you’ve done in your life.]

c) Struggle can’t stop His love

Divide your class into three groups and have each group discuss one of the following passages. Then have the groups share their findings:

  1. Matt 11:28-30, What kinds of things make people weary? What does Jesus want to do for those who are weary?

[Hint: He removes or helps them overcome their struggles.]

What does it mean to get “rest”?

[Hint: it means to have peace and contentment, and to be refreshed emotionally and spiritually.]

  1. John 6:37, What does Jesus promise in this passage?

[Hint: He promises never to reject people who want to establish a relationship with Him.]

What kinds of struggles do people have that often cause others to ignore them or drive them away?

[Hint: Answers might include illness, financial problems, or breakups.]

  1. Hebrews 4:13-16, Why don’t we have to be timid when sharing our needs with God?

[Hint: Nothing is hidden from God. He already knows what we have done and why. We can be confident because Jesus understands our difficulties and has overcome every kind of trouble we could face. He’s there for us and knows just what we need.]

What does it mean to receive grace in our time of need?

[Hint: When we ask for assistance, God will help.]

d) Selfishness can’t stop His love.

  1. Read or have volunteers read Luke 15:11-24. How do people, whether they’ve known God or not, sometimes behave like the lost son?

[Hint: They go their own ways even though they could enjoy much better lives if they lived for God.]

  1. Why are some people reluctant to come to God after going their own ways?

[Hint: Some feel they’re too far from God. Others believe they’ll lose their freedom and have to live by someone else’s rules. However, God’s instructions bring freedom from sin, not personal captivity. ]

  1. What does this passage tell us about God’s love and acceptance, and how we should respond?

Explain that God accepts you as you are, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done. But He loves you far too much to leave you in sin. He wants to help you become all you were created to be so others can see His power in you. Even if you feel you’ve lost or forfeited His purpose for you, He can still take you from where you are and bring you anywhere you need to be, as long as you are willing to break from the status quo — the same old thing — and let Him change you.

e) Status quo can’t stop His love.

  1. Read or have volunteers read 2 Cor 3:18-4:1. What does it mean that we’re being transformed into Christ’s likeness?

[Hint: God enables us to think, feel, and act more like Jesus. It occurs when we trust God, follow His Word, and invite the Spirit to direct our lives.]

  1. Read or have a volunteer read Eph 2:10. What kinds of good works has God created us to do?

Every example should fall into the category of loving God or loving others.

  1. What good work are you currently doing? Could your actions help lead people to Christ?
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Involve Them:
Discuss the source of good, Christian self-esteem, and how God’s attitudes and actions toward us should affect our own attitudes and actions. Note that our self-esteem needs to come from the way God sees us rather than how we see ourselves and our own abilities.

Explain that God doesn’t evaluate us based on past failings or present limitations. As we serve Him, He will help us become all that He created us to be.
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Inspire Them:
Remind students THE BASIC MESSAGE of this study, even as you explain WHAT’S the Big Idea behind the study is; WHY it matters; and HOW we can live the lesson captured in this study.
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Ministry Activity:
Have students pray for one another either as a class or in small groups. Make the prayer twofold:

• Ask God to help students see themselves as accepted by Him no matter what limitations they may see in their lives.

• Ask God to help them show love and acceptance toward all other students in the class, recognizing the value God places on every individual.
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Teacher Hint:
Ask Yourself...

  1. Do students understand that God loves and accepts them in spite of their mistakes and limitations?

  2. Will they lay aside negative issues of self-esteem to fully pursue God’s plan for their lives?

  3. Are they willing to show the same kind of love and acceptance toward others that God has shown toward them?
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This post is an extract from the exclusive production and publication of the Sunday School Department, General Council Assemblies of God Nigeria, produced for July to December 2024. The only claim I have here is the compilation of the extract which I teach to my own local class, but the entire work exclusively belongs to the mentioned department.
