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RE: Ten HSBI Giveaway Week 14! Easy Peasy!

in FreeCompliments4 months ago

I have had many, many types of pets over my life. I would have to say that the all around favorite would be my kitties! The maximum I've had at one time was 20 of them! Each one has been unique, with personalities to match. I had one kitty, Cinders, who I raised on a bottle as she was a runt of the litter my cat had. I kept her and she ended up pregnant, even though she was an indoor kitty only. (one of my boy cats snuck in the house during a yard sale, lol). Anyway, she gave birth to her kittens in my lap. However, she would never let anyone but me near her, not even my husband, for the first 7 years of her life! She lived a long life; moved cross country from Ohio to Colorado and eventually to Washington state. She was around 16 when she passed.

I have had quite a variety of varied personalities of kitties over the years. Coreyb (corey-b) was another of those kitties; a rescue dropped off by his mama, and a Manx, he had some special needs, but man that cat was almost human! The look he'd get in his eyes when he looked at me; even my son would say it was ridiculous! It was like he was in love with me! He was my baby and did not stay long. He passed at 8 years from kidney failure. I miss him to this day.

We've got 2 boys now; both rescues with different stories, but just like all the others, have wormed their way into my heart and are quite sweet, but sometimes devilish boys! Oh, the stories!

If I could, I'd open a home for lost and unwanted kitties, because honestly, I want them all!


Wow! 20 cats at one time must have been interesting, I imagine many of those were kittens! Cinders lived a long, long life for a cat at 16 years. It's funny how cats can have their favorite person and no one else can hold them. I agree they all have their own personalities though. When I was a kid we had a Manx as well, my dad caught her as a kitten in my grandmothers back yard. She was a little wild at first but turned out to be a sweet cat. She and the dog used to play together all the time, they were best friends!

I've seen your current boys in all the pictures. They sound like they have big personalities too!

Ironically, @thebigghigg, those 20 cats were not kittens! They were all full grown and one with 6 toes! I loved them all. It seems I took after my Great Aunt Mable, who we affectionately called 'the cat lady'. She too had many kitties, so I get it honestly I suppose!

Cot and Cyle are ridiculous and do indeed have lovely personalities! Thank you for your comment and have a lovely week ahead!