Motivational Mondays - No Need Of Perfection

in FreeCompliments8 months ago

From all the seven days, Monday will be the hard one for most people. After a day or a couple of days off, people have to get back and work again. I think that's way #freecompliments community choose Monday Themed day as Motivational Mondays, so we can encourage and put up some fire in other people too.

Initially I want to skip today writing, however recently I just noticed that one of my post has got nominated as one of the candidates for post of the months. The other candidates can be seen here on #Freecompliment official posts:

All of them are good posts and good comments, It's nice to see people trying to make some good posts here and complimenting each others through votes and comments.

Ok due to that nomination, I am back at good mood and decide to make this post, which is the sequel of that post.

I call this post main topic as:

No Need Of Perfection

Let me repeat what I have said in that post and I still keep seing it. Many people trying to be TaskMaster, they are trying to be a crypto expert, talking about crypto non-sense in hope that they will get as many author rewards as he gets.

Well... the topic was the same, the way they write are similar, which sometime make our brain numb because we just can't get what they are talking about. The image and layout are the same. Guess what happens? people yelling zero support for them

Why do they fail? Do they make bad posts? Do something wrong there? Wait I know, there is not enough small users supports right?

All are wrong... It's the same as I have said, they aren't be themselves. they do not look authentic or original... they are like a fake ones.

You Are You

I do not want to point specific person here, although I can easily refer 4-5 hivians as the example for this case. They write about how to get rich from crypto but themselves aren't rich from crypto. They said about how to make money from blogging, but themselves do not get good amount of author rewards or maybe they do not have other income generating web 2 blogs.

You are who you are, we accept and like you because who you are. You don't have any obligation to make awesome posts, or exquisite groundbreaking one. Nobody is obligated to make any Superb Quality posts with perfection. Just make a post about things you like, about things which is what you do, related to you, or anything that is about you. That's what a blog is about, not a formal mainstream news content which demand perfections and accuracy.

I always say this and will always keep saying this... Pick a topic which you are good and comfortable with, not a topic which you think have high author rewards. Just do what you are good at, don't try to be somebody else. People see you as funny person, talking as if you are an expert but your resume and others do not match.

A Post Is Ok With Some Defects

I know this part is maybe a bit controversial and can make someone debating me, but I believe in any post, mistakes in grammars and typing are ok. This is not a university or school essay which you might get a reduction in score / rewards if you make some wrong in grammars, medal, vocabs, and others. There is not any exact way that say you must write like this, or more mistake = less author rewards.

Sometime I feel awkward seeing some people writing with the help of ChatGPT or others AI with the reasons that they do not want to make some wrong in their paragraph. In the end this way is actually put them in danger, because they might be perceived as using AI for making their post, a not original one.

So what happens if people writing with bad English, no body like it right? Part of it true, we love to read something that is right, wrong format, bad grammar, and lots of typos definitely hurt our eyes. But the most important things is not the perfection in the body text, but it is the essence of your post... the messages that conveyed inside

Make sure your post has some messages inside that you want to deliver to your readers...

and of course, do not steal or copy other people writings for sure


Because this is part of my post about building a writing habit, so I might have to repeat some of these things because they are important from my opinion.

  1. You only need to post 1 post a day or for two day...
  2. If you have spare time, wonder around... vote other people posts, comment on the things you find it interesting.
  3. and do this all the time

Simple isn't it, so lets do this together. Don't complicate yourself by trying to be the best just build your writing habits, be yourself on Hive. Rewards will follow you later as long you do this diligently

Some Credits

Here are people who deserves some credits for this post, I am sorry If I miss others

  • Freecompliments : for this themed day post challenge
  • Canva : for the free image editors and some free images
  • Thepeakstudio : for wonderful Hive divider

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