Motivational Mondays - Learn From Stray Mother Cat Bad Move

in FreeCompliments8 months ago

Today I will join again our #freecompliments community themed post, and for today which is Monday, we have Motivational Mondays as our themed. Well this is not an easy one for me, because Monday is very hectic for me and now, almost mid nite here, I am writing about something that have to boost other people spirit up, motivate them for better, while myself might need it more LoL

Ok, regarding I like to watch, monitor and analyze cat behaviors, I will blend today theme with some cat topic.

First I will pick a topic which only exist in stray cats... or feral cats.. they are a bit different with a full domesticated cats, especially in term of behavior and perspective. Both are having a lot better survival instinct and aware of contingency. In general, or in average, we can say most domestic cats are a bit dumb and have high dependency with their owners.

However not all stray cats are good, some are dumb too like the cat above. Recently I see many stray cats are as dumb as a domestic one, they can only ask for food from people. To put this worse, some even can not eat bones anymore, they have weak jaws. I like to call them Gen-Z gato

Sorry gen-Z readers, this old man a bit mock you here. Maybe those cats are raised as domestic cats when they were kittens, so they have bad survival instinct.

Ok now to our main topic


source: pixabay

Ok my topic here is about learning from stray cats, especially the stray mother cats. They are one of the best creature in nurturing their offsprings. However I won't speak about the good things here. Stray cats often do bad things on their kittens, which most of us might not have seen that on domestic ones.

However those stray mothers cats do that because they want to have a better future. They want their kittens to be stronger and survive. So what are those bad things that stray mother cats do that are actually good?

1. They Left Some Of Their Kittens

Most stray mother cats, when having more than two kittens, let say three or four, they tend to leave or ditch one if they think it is needed. For example you see a mother cat with 4 offsprings, you jump in and scare them off and they run scattered away.... the mother wont be back to collect all four. After she gets 2-3 kittens, she will leave the last one.

Some think this type of mother cat is idiot... actually she is not. She thinks the safety of her kittens, and she sacrifices the last one in order to get higher chance the other can survive. It's a wrong thing to say the mother cats won't be sad, they feel anxiety, sad, and grieve for the lost one.

The lesson we can take here that sometime we see people around us, can not move forward because they do not dare to make any sacrifice. They can not leave their comfort zone, they can not make a decision that make them lose something. They are tied in always win-win situation, which sometime we need to lose something to win something.

Sometime sacrifice is needed, and I know it won't be as easy as it is said... and it won't be easy, else it won't be called sacrifice.

2. They Hiss And Kick Out Troublesome Kitten

I often see a kitten abandoned by her mother because she is sick or has a disease. Yes stray cats will shove away one of their kittens if they see or smell something wrong with that one. Domestic cats tend to forget this because when it happens, usually the owner will take care the sick one.

This looks similar to the first thing we said, above sacrifice, but in this case it is more common we see in our professional workplace. This is what we call removing the bad apple.

If we read in the internet, most articles say simple things about bad apples, it will bring down the team, you need to remove him or her, don't wait too long and others. However in real life, it is not that simple.

Most Bad Apple cases are subjective, its not something that clear defined. So the case will be different perceived by each point of views and that's why only certain people can say which one is the real bad apple. Second, because bad apple is always a human, for some people getting rid people is hard. They fear of retaliation, maybe the person will attack back in personal matters. Or they feel pity, maybe the bad apple is someone who currently in very need of money, so they can not have a jobless zero income situation, and many more.

That's why some people need to learn from stray mother cat. When she sees a bad apple is one of her kittens, she dares to remove her for the sake of the other kittens. Sometime we have to be a bit heartless in doing the right thing.

3. They Ditch Older Kittens

Usually after 4-6 months, the mother cats will leave their kids. Or they shove out those young cats. Some said it is because the mother see the kittens as adult and as competitors too.

There are two things we can take for this behavior. The first one is that everything has the end. For example, every students will graduate when the time comes, every project has it completion, and everyone will die for sure. Everything has its time, so we need a goal for it. Some of us just live their live goalless, like going where the wind blows. Yes it sounds good and not wrong, but what will happen when it ends?

Second is about our works. Mother cat teaches everything to her kittens, starting from feeding them, then later teach them to hunt so they can feed themselves. She teaches how to socialize, from grooming, playing and communication. She teaches them about survival, from hunting for food, territory awareness, and instill them instinct of self sufficiency. Ok this might be too far, coz not all cats are these good. However she does the best and believes it will work for them. Its a high confident due to delivering their best.

If we combine those two, it will say that always do our best and believe when the time comes, you will success and no need to look back with regret.

Easy to say but sometime we can not do that. When it is over, we can not let go that thing off.

Ok that's the three things we can learn from stray mother cats. I am sorry if this sounds like I am underestimating human and ask hooman to learn from gato, but hey... Don't lose to cats although they are cool!

anyway if you have something else about this one, feel free to comment below


Here are people who deserves some credits for this post, I am sorry If I miss others

  • Freecompliments : for this themed day post challenge
  • Thepeakstudio : for wonderful Hive divider

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Stray cats are the strongest ones they can survive at any where like even if no one is looking after them still they will find a source of food.

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