My Journey Through the Graphite World - Quiet happiness.

in FreeCompliments15 days ago

Every person has their own significant dates when something changed in their life.

Sometimes these are not dates but months or seasons.

For me one such significant month was December 2022 when suddenly I decided to give up the ballpoint pen with which I always drew and pay attention to a pencil with a graphite rod.

I did not have the skills to draw with graphite but I really wanted to learn how to draw and I drew a lot at that time.

Yes, when I say that I drew a lot it was so I worked on three or four drawings at the same time and every day I saw one finished work.

But such a concept as a finished drawing is very relative.

At that time it seemed to me that the drawing was already ready and I could not do anything better but with the advent of experience I found a number of mistakes in them and understood what and how to fix or how to avoid this mistake in the next work.

The main theme of my drawings were drawings showing life beyond civilization and illustrations to chapters of the Bible.

Gradually in my publications I will show you all my drawings of which there are already quite a lot and they represent a rather significant collection which is replenished with more and more new works.

Today I want to present one of my first works a drawing in which I wanted to depict a very quiet life somewhere on the edge on the very edge of the world.

Happiness is not something that needs a lot of noise although someone may think otherwise.

Someone wants to trumpet to the whole world about their happiness and someone prefers to enjoy their happiness in silence.

But even quiet happiness can look from the outside as something very noisy lol.

Yes, if a dream came true and you got a house far from civilization took up agriculture and got a lot of pets this happiness will be quite noisy.

In the morning you will be woken up by the crowing of roosters or a donkey that crows louder than roosters.

Guinea fowl turkeys ducks and geese cry loudly.

Cows horses goats and sheep are not distinguished by their silence and in these loud sounds you can find your quiet happiness.

This was the idea of ​​this drawing.

Here I see a number of mistakes and yesterday I already raised a pencil over the drawing to correct the mistakes but put the pencil aside.

Let the drawing remain as it is, it is a warm reminder of that cold December day when I wanted to cover a clean sheet of paper with graphite.

At the time when I lived in sunny Moldova I often passed by a sheep pasture where loud bleating of sheep was heard among the hills.

I made a stop and looked at this picture.

It was a loud and beautiful silence in my soul.

So at that point I didn't have a large range of pencils with different degrees of graphite hardness but I was looking for an opportunity to do something not an excuse not to do anything.

All elements of my drawing are the fruit of my imagination therefore you can find some discrepancies with what we see in real life.

When I drew those beautiful sounds were heard in my head... the ringing of bells and the roll call of flocks of sheep.

In total considering that after the supposed completion of the drawing I returned to it several times, it took several hours of work.

When this version was ready or the drawing was in this state I realized that it was necessary to work on it not with a pencil but with an eraser then I did not yet have an ultra-modern nag that allows you to collect the maximum amount of excess graphite and do fine work.

That's all for now God willing I'll see you tomorrow and I will present you another drawing.

Thank you for your attention and enjoy viewing the pictures and reading my post!

Zoom in on a photo for a closer view.

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha




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