Hello Hive Community Members,
Welcome to daily updates from @sagarkothari88 - a Hive Witness & mobile-app-developer.
Actively contributing to following projects on Hive
- HiveFreedomDollar
- HiveCurators - DiscordBot
- Video Encoder Nodes
- The Hive Mobile App
- 3Speak Mobile App
- 3Speak new-website - backend (acela-core)
- 3Speak new-website
- Hive Witness Node
Updates: HiveFreedomDollar
- Day before yesterday, I talked about how upload an image from Flutter-webapp with @keychain
- With @keychain, it was very easy. One javascript function does it all.
- However, with @hiveauth, it's not that straight forward.
- In this post, I'll illustrate the steps I've taken to upload the image.
- Please correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.
Background before diving into the code
- Flutter Web App has the Socket connection of @hiveauth.
- Only Javascript side of code has crypto utilities. I've tried crypto on dart side but results aren't matching. I'll utilise javascript as much as possible.
- Only Javascript side of code has proper buffer processing. I've tried dart buffers & have failed. I've also tried AI's suggestion which didn't work. After wasting good amount of time, I decided to utilise javascript side of Buffer feature.
Pseudocode for image upload using hiveauth on flutter webapp
FlutterApp -> JavaScript: OpenImagePicker
- FlutterApp informs JavaScript to open image picker.
- WebApp code - It opens up an image picker.
- User selects file.
- After file is selected, we get buffer of it.
- We get base64 of selected file.
- We prepare buffer to sign
- Buffer to sign - is converted to JSON & JSON to Base64
JavaScript -> FlutterApp: Buffer2SignBase64, FileBase64, file name
- FlutterApp receives Buffer to sign as base64.
- FlutterApp decodes base64 of buffer to sign & obtains JSON
- FlutterApp preserves these 3 values.
FlutterApp -> HiveAuth: Sign Buffer
- FlutterApp sends this data to HiveAuth with a signing challenge request
- In Signing Challenge request, we attach Json of buffer to sign & request to sign with Posting key.
HiveAuth -> FlutterApp: Signed Buffer
- FlutterApp receives signature of buffer to be signed.
FlutterApp -> JavaScript: Signature, Base64 of Image, File Name
- FlutterApp sends signature, base64 of image & file name to JavaScript side of code.
- JavaScript side of code prepares a proper form-data-request after creating file-blob object from given base64.
- JavaScript side of code uploads image
JavaScript -> FlutterApp: Uploaded URL
- JavaScript side of code returns the URL of uploaded image.
- FlutterApp now can use this URL as an attachment in the post.
Async function to get Buffer of a File
async function getFileBuffer(file) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = async () => {
const content = window.buffer.Buffer.from(reader.result, "binary");
Async function to get Base64 of a File
async function getFileBase64(file) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
reader.onerror = reject;
Getting Data to Sign for HiveAuth after image is selected
async function openImagePickerForWebAppForHiveAuth(id, accountName) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
input.onchange = (e) => {
var file = e.target.files[0];
getFileBuffer(file).then((content) => {
getFileBase64(file).then((base64) => {
const prefix = window.buffer.Buffer.from(
const buf = window.buffer.Buffer.concat([prefix, content]);
// we are converting it to base64
// to avoid double-json-encoding-decoding failures.
const bufJsonBase64 = btoa(JSON.stringify(buf));
let retResp = JSON.stringify({
id: id,
valid: true,
accountName: accountName,
data: {
bufJsonBase64: bufJsonBase64,
base64: base64,
fileName: file.name,
- So, From the given swimlane diagram, I was able to only complete step 1 & step 2.
- I am yet working on Step 3 - get buffer signed by @HiveAuth
- As soon as I'm done with everything, I'll update this post.
Updates: HiveCurators - DiscordBot
- HiveCurators - DiscordBot is doing well
- No outages were reported
- HiveCurators With DiscordBot was able to successfully curate approximately 49 posts today.
- Curation report is added below in the post
- I've staked ALIVE.
- Those who read my post & reply, I'll reward them with Alive & Pizza tokens.
- Those who reply to curation comments, they will be randomly rewarded with Alive token & Pizza tokens.
- To these users, @himalayanwomb, @thebigsweed, @irvet, @jlufer, @saranegi, I sent 0.05 Hive Power - to reward them for their contribution on Hive Communities.
- Here is the screenshot, from Ecency Wallet, indicating the same.
Updates: Video Encoder Nodes
- I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
- Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
- Yesterday (14-Apr-2024) 3Speak published total 139 videos
- My video encoder nodes encoded 110 videos from 139 videos published.
How is @sagarKothari88 doing?
- Today, I went to out to find new pre-schools for my son.
- I find this school decent & nearby.
- I asked as much as possible & found satisfactory answers.
- But I insisted on trying out the school for a month & to convince them about this idea, I suggested to give us options for summer camp.
- Except that, Today, most of my time spent in solving @hiveuath related challenges in current project.
Curation Report
NOTE: If you don't like tagging you under curation report, let me know in comment section & I'll exclude you from the curation report.
Author | Post | Weight |
@yogeshbhatt | @yogeshbhatt/today-was-the-3rd-day | 20 % |
@miingjazz | @miingjazz/another-one-of-my-experiences | 21 % |
@faniaviera | @faniaviera/decepciones-amorosas-amorous-deceptions | 20 % |
@mad-runner | @mad-runner/battle-mage-secrets-weekly-challenge-0e863defefc2c | 24 % |
@luca1777 | @luca1777/big-lake-wannsee-in-the-southwest-of-berlin | 24 % |
@adelepazani | @adelepazani/the-hot-heat-of-the-sun-by-the-south-sea-is-wonderful-happy-hours-with-the-southern-boy | 24 % |
@neilamarcano | @neilamarcano/aayykdmf | 20 % |
@romeskie | @romeskie/pranks | 26 % |
@melinda010100 | @melinda010100/brown-pelicans | 40 % |
@carisma77 | @carisma77/exquisite-salty-cheese-cake-exquisito | 20 % |
@michupa | @michupa/japanese-food-night-enpt | 29 % |
@crazyphantombr | @crazyphantombr/en-pt-fast-furious-and | 23 % |
@pirulito.zoado | @pirulito.zoado/battle-mage-secrets-engpt-br-splinterlands-ruleset-five-alive | 21 % |
@hive-world | @hive-world/my-first-encounter-night-with | 20 % |
@maydelvalle | @maydelvalle/un-domingo-sin-color | 20 % |
@mercmarg | @mercmarg/14-april-2024-mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-day-2342-bathtub-of-tears-engesp | 20 % |
@builderofcastles | @builderofcastles/the-grand-unified-theory-has-been-elusive-because-modern-molecular-science-is-wrong | 24 % |
@brujita18 | @brujita18/mom-proud-of-emanuel-en | 21 % |
@kingsleyy | @kingsleyy/if-dreams-are-real | 21 % |
@yetsimar | @yetsimar/ruben-se-roba-las-camaras | 22 % |
@schumix05 | @schumix05/battle-mage-secrets-challenge-five-alive-deeng | 21 % |
@takhar | @takhar/productivity-and-creativity | 20 % |
@libertycrypto27 | @libertycrypto27/its-time-to-assemble-my-new-desktop-pc-step-one-choosing-components-to-purchase-engita | 40 % |
@mcookies | @mcookies/clasical-music-week-201 | 20 % |
@crisch23 | @crisch23/weekend-to-eat-ice-cream-with-the-family | 24 % |
@andyjaypowell | @andyjaypowell/trip-to-wurzburg | 40 % |
@sperosamuel15 | @sperosamuel15/cleanliness-should-be-our-culture | 20 % |
@vaynard86 | @vaynard86/battle-mage-secrets-five-alive-keeping-it-simple | 25 % |
@genming | @genming/battle-mage-secrets-weekly-challenge-five-alive-ruleset | 20 % |
@eliaschess333 | @eliaschess333/no-solo-es-suficiente-con-manipular-velocidad-la-magia-me-sorprende-en-un-five-alive-battle-mage-secrets | 21 % |
@arbalestarx7 | @arbalestarx7/battle-mage-secrets-weekly-challenge-a7e68bf8006af | 20 % |
@javivisan | @javivisan/battle-mage-secrets-weekly-challenge-five-alive-en-es | 23 % |
@hadrianwild | @hadrianwild/not-entirely-peaceful-dove-smap | 21 % |
@janitzearratia | @janitzearratia/pretending-that-everything-is-fine | 20 % |
@jhymi | @jhymi/test-chase | 22 % |
@suteru | @suteru/opening-10-elite-draws | 21 % |
@g2ml | @g2ml/blusa-con-mangas-largas-fruncidas-con-elastico-blouse-with-long-sleeves-gathered-with-elastic-esp-eng | 20 % |
@mnurhiver | @mnurhiver/two-interesting-types-of-insects | 25 % |
@aries12 | @aries12/macrophotography-wildflowers-d94c70dad9995 | 20 % |
@florenceboens | @florenceboens/nos-petits-repas-de-debut-avril-2024 | 21 % |
@wiseagent | @wiseagent/lpud-the-fourth-of-the-year | 40 % |
@dewabrata | @dewabrata/the-five-alive-think-it-as-ordinary | 25 % |
@idea-make-rich | @idea-make-rich/indian-s-sweet-dish-name | 22 % |
@pinkchic | @pinkchic/discovering-the-amazing-mountain-ranges-of-impasugong | 26 % |
@gadrian | @gadrian/my-hive-goals-week-15-2024 | 22 % |
@plantfuljourney | @plantfuljourney/floral-harmony-in-the-garden | 20 % |
@lincemarrom | @lincemarrom/five-alive-battle-mage-secrets-enptbr | 20 % |
@codingdefined | @codingdefined/april-lpud-and-my-goal-status | 40 % |
@emrysjobber | @emrysjobber/s-s-s-s-s-8998d0cceeea3 | 20 % |
What do you think?
- What do you guys think?
- Am I heading in right direction? Am I doing good for Hive?
- Do you have some tips to share? If yes, add it in comment section.
Who am I?
- I'm a Hive Witness
- 3Speak App Developer
- I've also contributed to mobile-app for HiveAuth
- I also work on HiveFreedomDollar App
- I worked with Team @ecency for integrating 3speak-video-upload feature
- Founder of HiveCurators Community - @hive-185924 / @hivecurators
- Founder of https://the-hive-mobile.app/#/
Support me
- Please upvote my content to motivate me
- Please Reblog
- Please vote me as Hive Witness