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RE: Getting out there

in Outdoors and morelast month

Hi Galen, those photos tell me that having had so much car makes a lot of sense. I imagine not all of them have been 4x4s, but I'm sure they've had their reason too.



Nope, not all for wheel drives, but all with a purpose, even if that purpose was simply making a statement.

Good morning, was not hard to imagine that not all cars are 4x4, no wonder everyone has a purpose.

Have a great day.

Yeah, I had sometimes two at once, and a few times three as I used to tinker around with cars, build them up and all, as a hobby.

I don't find this surprising either, I seem to remember telling you that as a child I spent time with an Italian mechanic, a Ferrari fan, who spent a lot of his time repairing cars, and then selling them or keeping them for himself. He loved everything related to the world of cars. So as I said, I am not surprised by your comment.