The weekly challenge for today is an earthquake. The earthquake is a ruleset is all nonflying units got 2 physical damages at the end of the turn. In this ruleset, it is preferable to use flying monsters to evade the physical damage of an earthquake. However, if you find yourself unable to use flying monsters in the battle, what you can do is reduce the physical damage by using a shield or armor so that the damage does not directly hit your life points immediately.
Over there are 85 flying monsters that you can choose. This rule often used in this element is life and earth. In the Silver League modern format, when facing opponents with high mana, I frequently encounter combinations like GranMaster Rathe, Uriel the Purifier, War Pegasus, Adelade Brightwing, and Celestial Harpy because of their flying ability.
14 mana cap, the available elements can you use are water and earth. The ruleset is explosive Weaponry, blood and sunder, and, earthquakes.
I choose Lux Vega as a summoner to grant additional + to speed, life, and armor. Because one of the rulesets is explosive Weaponry the armor of Kux Vega helps to protect against the physical damage of earthquakes and blasts from explosive Weaponry. Speed can help gain an advantage in initiating an attack. For monsters, I choose Pelacor Merchenary for the 1st position or tank because of the flying ability with heal. The additional speed from the summoner can help Mercenary improve dodging while flying, thereby avoiding the opponent's physical attacks. For the 2ns position I choose Venator Kinjo, Because Kinjo has a reflection shield, he can protect his adjacent ally from the blast's impact. He can also protect the 3rd unit from the blast if it is attacked from the front or 1st position. As for the unit in the 1st position, he can defend it if the attack comes from behind. for my last position, I chose fungus fiend this is only to make a delay when the opponents attack me from the back.
In round 2, due to the rule set "Explosive Weaponry," Pelacor Mercenary's attack resulted in the death of two monsters belonging to my opponent.In this round as well, because the opponent's Venari Marksrat died and triggered its martyr ability, the opponent's Regal Peryton was given a +1 boost to all stats.
In round 3, a 1v1 situation occurred even though I still had 2 monsters with me because they couldn't attack from behind. The advantage of Regal Peryton over my Pelacor Mercenary is that it has 4 magic attacks that can penetrate my armor, and it's also possible for Regal Peryton to dodge Pelacor Mercenary's melee attacks because of its more faster and flying ability. The advantage of my Pelacor Mercenary over the opponent is its ability to heal, while Regal Peryton does not possess any healing abilities.
The battle ended in round 4, where Kinjo and Fungus Fiend died due to the earthquake. In the first attack from Peryton, Pelacor Mercenary received +4 damage from the magic attack. However, on Pelacor Mercenary's turn to attack, despite Peryton having an advantage in speed and flying ability, its attack hit and resulted in Peryton's death.
Overall, my plan to use Pelacor Mercenary in the battle was successful because of its self-healing capability. Pelacor Mercenary's flying ability also helped in evading the damage caused by the earthquake.
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Data of guild performance picture from
The Splinterlands divider is credited to lorddiablo.
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