Hello Splinterfans!
My first week on Splinterlands is completed and I feel I am making some progress. I have to admit, my first thought when I saw Splinterlands was, what is this? What is going on with these cards and how can it be fun?
I caught a few live streams to see how to play the game and still was more confused than ever! After reading many blog posts, it was still confusing and I came to the point where I need to take action and start playing - learning by doing as they say.
During my first few days, I was literally getting my bottom handed to me on a plate. It was very demoralising being beaten nearly every match. Thanks to all the tips from my last post I have discovered some of the required strategies for the game. It goes much deeper than you realise and gets quite addictive.
Choosing a summoner is very important and at first, I had no idea except that you got some benefits like extra heart or attack. I initially thought if someone was fire (red) then I should choose water (blue) as this would give me the advantage.
My goal here is to try and see which Summoner or Splinter to use against the different teams as I'm still not sure which one to use is best.
I saw the word "Tank" being bandied about and I was wondering what this is. I've since discovered it is the first card that can fortify your team and take the brunt of the attacks from your enemy. Therefore a good tank with lots of heart and shield is good. As a good bonus, I found a monster that can replenish the shield for all the team or the lowest attacked. I hope this will help me stay strong up front.
Low Hanging Fruit
I discovered the low-hanging fruit post by @zakludick who lists some cheap cards that are called low-hanging fruit. I figured if I need cards, it best to take the low-hanging fruit first of all.
Going Mobile
Finding time to play has been a struggle because Splinterlands isn't a set-and-forget type of game. It needs your attention and you need to think of a strategy each time. Therefore I was delighted when I discovered there was an App so I can combine other tasks I'm doing with playing Splinterlands to keep me in the game.
I want to say again thanks to all those who gave me tips and answered my probably simple questions and donated me some cards! Thank you Splinter community. <3
In my next post, I will detail a few of my attack strategies.
Thanks for reading.
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Twitter: mypathtofire1
Noise.cash: mypathtofire
Discord: mypathtofire#6998
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