How is you heart beating? Great to see you alive after fights with the mighty bot armies. Personally i got Shot after shot of adrenaline. Assending to the top is no easy feat in the splinterlands. Everyone is eyeing for the top and maximizing on their rewards. Knowing that the final matches cement ones place when the season ends and stats reset, He and she bring out there best and it does not make anyones final moments of the season easy.
On this particular occasion i rose to my targeted hight and beaten back, mid way of my earlier league seating. This was a test of strength and how much i had in me to charge after my opponents. The zeal was not enough, the tramatic experience of seeing what where winning streaks become blood red entries to my plays.
My story did not end there. Timing is everything and i strategically crowed back at a time i know the bots are not doing the most and fought my way back to my position anf got temted to reach diamond, but my energy was not enough. Greed took the best of me here i shouldn’t have played more matches,this has only caused a long waiting time to get back the energy i need to get comftable with kick starting my season about to start. However, champions do not regreat. They pick themselves up and acknowledge life is not a destination but a journey.
Personally i am eger to see what the next season holds. I choose to step but in charging for another fight buy seek to improve my game starts and play abilities. I need to increase my crypto in all possible ways so that i am ready for the bull
Market. Seeing the markets tank would have been dis heartening but its the inverse for me. I know like the phoenix, the market will raise.
We are currently in interesting times. Egar for more ,saddly this is only going to be a reality for those that prepared the hardest. They will be a next time. But its always best to get the most out of everything when you can.