This 100%. The only thing that was making me stay afloat with max lvl rentals was the sps fron ocassional placements in tournaments. Now I'm actually out of champion and diamond tournaments due to the sps staking requirements for said tournaments. This is a nice first step, but I might have to take a season off just to reap some rewards BY NOT RENTING CARDS AND NOT PLAYING THE GAME. As the author said, not only is less profitable to try to rank up, but you do lose time by playing. It's more profitable to sit on rentals, sps airdrops and staking rewards, sadly, very sadly because I love playing,
Players who are either renting, or owning a lot of assets to reach higher leagues have no real incentive to put the hours, nor the effort if they are considering it a monetary matter. You'll make 100x more money if you just rent your assets than if you play to reach Champion III for example, and people who rent to reach to those leagues are not profiting unless they open a lottery loot chest.