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RE: Hive Infographic Contest: 1,000 HIVE Grand Prize!

in CBRS2 years ago


  1. By entering this contest, you accept that the infographics you deliver will no longer be your property but of Hive Blockchain.
  2. By entering this contest, all three winners accept to send all assets and source files of their infographic by email to:

Uhm, really? That's all what you want?

Ok, let's be totally honest with you here guys!

  1. Too many rules, conditions, timeline guides, raffles and shit like that simply to participate.

  2. With absolute sincerity, in my case, I wouldn't lift a finger and I would laugh in your face if you tried to hire me directly to make an Infographic of this category for barely 500 buck$.

  3. And the worst of all, it is doing it without even being sure that you were going to pay me for my work because you already have many other contracted designers for the same job.

Put on your batteries on and land in reality folks. Of course there are many stupid, naive and needy people in this world... But C'mon crackheads! Make a fair offer to pay what this work is really worth or give up establishing so many stupid rules and conditions right away. I'm just saying!


Hey there, thank you for the feedback!

We understand what you mean in regards to the disclaimer, therefore, we removed it and changed the wording (it's just the commercial licensing that we need to be able to publish the infographics, as well as other Hivers that need to be able to do so as well).
We'd love to see you participate in our contest. We will look at visual ideas/concepts as well as entries that have the final design presented by participants.

Once again, thank you for the feedback, and apologies from our team for any miscommunication created.


Hey there, thank you for the feedback!

Thank you for your reply and cordial feedback also mate! :)

We understand what you mean in regards to the disclaimer, therefore, we removed it and changed the wording

Well, actually I'm very glad that you have reflected and have taken into account my "observation" to modify the rules of some items in the contest. I apologize if I was too harsh in the approach of my observation. But once I had finished reading your post in its entirety, I really couldn't help but try to make you reconsider in greater depth on the conditions to participate in your contest.

We'd love to see you participate in our contest.

Thank you very much for the invitation. Although I really don't think I can do it because I already have my time committed to another work agenda until the end of this year. And being me a very demanding perfectionist with myself, from my point of view, creating and designing a professional quality infographic of which I am used to, would take me a good amount of time which I don't think I have at my disposal. ;)

We will look at visual ideas/concepts as well as entries that have the final design presented by participants.

Yeah mate, that seems to me like a good idea with the correct action of how to handle the contest with greater fair consideration. I have no doubt that you will be able to get a good number of participants and competitors from which you can select some quality works that meet the goal from at least three participants to whom you can award the first three prizes of the contest.

I just hope and aspire that everyone who has already commented here and truly wishes to participate in this contest, are not all just opting to fight to be selected only in the raffle to win exclusively those 50 Hives for just promoting the contest on Twitter and in somewhere out there hahahaha.

I wish you good luck with this project and I hope that the objectives are achieved.
