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in Veterans8 months ago

Your buns always look so delicious! Bet you are sure glad those pumpkins are done! Did you order the books or were they a gift? Too bad for the weasel. It sure was a pretty animal, but not one you want around chickens.


Welcome back lovely lady, thanks for visiting! 😊

Awe, thank you very much, that's so nice of you to say. I've really enjoyed learning how to make bread from scratch; it wasn't something I was interested in learning, when I was younger, but have really embraced making our food since the plandemic hit. 😊

Yes, it is, it was a beautiful critter, but we gave it a stern talking to and a second chance after it grabbed one of our old hens last week, so attacking was strike three and they had to go. 😊

The books were my birthday present to myself, since my birthday is next week. I enjoy gifts that are practical, educational and/or nice to look at and these books are exactly what I was looking for. 😊

I'm tuckered out after a day of laundry, dishes, baking, and cooking, so I'm going to say goodnight, and I'll chat with you again soon. 😊

God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊

My birthday is this week! Looks like you picked some good birthday presents! I haven't decided what I'm going to get myself.

Oh, nice. Happy Birthday! I hope its a fantastic one for you! 😊

Thank you, they're all books I've been thinking about getting for a few months and I'm looking forward to get a lot of use out of them all. 😊