Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 217 OREGANO, a seasoning plant that scares away flies along with a beautiful beetle. / OREGANO, planta para la sazon y ahuyenta las moscas junto a un bello escarabajo.

in WE ARE MOVING8 months ago


Mi mama es de origen andino, nació en el Táchira capacho, una zona antiguamente rural y que a tenido su desarrollo urbano reciente.

Ella suele tener en su jardín de su casa en un edificio que trajo una zona para sembrar de un tamaño mediano suficiente para sembrar.

Allí tiene entre otras la planta aromática OREGANO cuyas hojas sirven para sazonar la comida y si esta en la ventana con su olor ahuyenta las moscas el cual me a demostrado ser efectivo, ya que mi mama me dio una planta de orégano que traje a mi casa en MARIPERES.

Allí estamos relativamente cerca del la montaña del Ávila y allí en determinadas épocas hay un aumento de escarabajos así como este ESCARABAJO DE JARDIN ASIATICO, que aunque no suele ser un problema pero hay que tener cuidado por que come plantas.

Asi tome esta bella foto donde se ve mi planta muy util de OREGANO, que a reducido significativamente la presencia de moscas y de paso me sirve para sazonar las comidas, esta planta es cuidada por mis hijas que la riegan a diario y este bello escarabajo.


My mother is of Andean origin, she was born in Táchira Capacho, a formerly rural area that has had recent urban development.

She usually has in her garden at home in a building she brought an area to plant of a medium size enough to plant.

There is, among others, the aromatic plant OREGANO whose leaves are used to season food and if it is on the window, its smell scares away flies, which has proven to be effective, since my mother gave me an oregano plant that I brought it to my house in MARIPERES.

There we are relatively close to the Ávila mountain and there at certain times there is an increase in beetles as well as this ASIAN GARDEN BEETLE, which although it is not usually a problem but you have to be careful because it eats plants.

So I took this beautiful photo where you can see my very useful OREGANO plant, which has significantly reduced the presence of flies and also serves to season my meals. This plant is cared for by my daughters who water it daily and this beautiful beetle.