Measuring and no sudden movement
The title sums up so much in life, in this case of course, it pertains to your financial health and plans. When I first saw the title I thought of standing on the ledge of a 10 story building. Is that ledge 6 inches or only 5 1/2 inches? It may not matter in the grand scheme of things, but in this very particular instance, it matters a great deal. No sudden movement is self explanatory.
A great many people are standing on that financial ledge, not measuring anything and dancing up a storm to boot, the epitome of recklessness. It drives me crazy to think of not being able to provide for myself in whatever years I have left. Homelessness is becoming a raging epidemic even among the elderly who previously had fairly stable lives.
Your planning and strategy sound spot on, and with your penchant for self sufficiency, you will sail on into this new year and beyond.