Time of contempt ...

in Reflections2 months ago

Because of experience and gray hairs; in the midst of a stupid ageism, I have decided to grab life by the horns.

Know that, folks...

Everything I read, write, study, to keep myself updated personally, professionally and professionally I am doing for myself, not for others.

Without a doubt, emotional dependence is bad when you can't do other things in your life, other than revolve around the other person.

That's the way it is and I understand how I feel. And when they exclude me or try to push me aside because of my age and my gray hairs, you know, that's what I call vulgar slander!

In addition, now that I am already in a retirement situation, even though I am still active as a consultant in graduate school and at the business level, I am still an out-of-batch human being, who has his own light and does not stop at the comments of third parties.

The one who does not add, let him subtract somewhere else!

Those who suffer from emotional attachment, stop making decisions for themselves, cannot be well in permanent or partial absence from their job, family, even partner and in some way, feel subjected, subjugated, completely involved in the life of the other person, and lose their own will, lose their own decisions, lose, even, their own security and self-esteem.

It is essential to understand that the love for what you do includes important levels of interdependence and that is sometimes confused with harmful dependency relationships.

Strength and faith I tell myself every day and more in these times of contempt for personal, work and professional experience, especially when it comes from colleagues younger in age than you one.

To think that we are often experts at complicating simple things, but yes, you can get out of that. And when you achieve this, you begin to truly live for yourself, and you leave behind that dependence that nullified you as a person.

Many times we settle for what life is offering us and leave aside our own choices, and our deepest desires, and is that we do this by relating from attachment to accept a job, finally we give up our power of choice because we do not think we deserve more, we cancel ourselves in that sense and grab whatever, product of our emotional insecurities, leaving aside what we really want.

This is my attitude and philosophy towards life.

I am one of those who has chosen everything there is in my life from my husband, friendships, to my jobs and businesses. I deserve the best and if there is something after the best, that's what I want and do, I give everything to get it and you can always be better.

Meanwhile, I continue with my physical and spiritual training, running in this race for life.

Sitting in the backyard of my house, I think of asking the million-dollar question...!! 🧐 So, do you love and depend on healthily thinking about yourself first, or do you not even remember who you are anymore because you only live the life of others? Let's talk about our experiences in comment.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Thanksss You so much 💜 @mnurhiver

Good. You're welcome