The lungs of my house...

in Reflections3 months ago


They are like the lungs of my life and as soon as dawn breaks I rush out to check on our cuji and run to get water to bathe him gently before 10 in the morning, and find that he is happy with the move inside my house because the wind was blowing him, outside.

Since 30, I have an apartment in my city, during the week I stay in it for work reasons, together with many people who inhabit the building, especially together with Iris, her husband and her 2 children who were born and raised here.

How can a tree feel and live in the center of my home?.

It was when he completely languished almost 1 year ago and his creators and exemplary caregivers, a friendly couple, took him to intensive care for 6 months or more. I don't remember. But they, they were sending me reports of their progress, because I felt like the rat itself, hairy bricklayer, plant killer, neglected, essential, never deserving to have such a delicate little tree, like this Cuji bonsai.

The diagnosis my friends gave me was dehydration.

When the cují bonsai returned to my home, my lovely friends told me that we should water it daily before 10 am. My husband and I went away for a weekend and on Monday the cují was hopelessly languid.

“I can't have a little tree that depends on me so much. And much less to prevent me from leaving. My life is to go away, traveling for different reasons.

So, they told me, he's going to recover. Water it and that's it....

And so it has been. If we leave, I leave the key to the concierge of the lovely garden, who takes care of it and that's it. Unattended, it never remains, and in Iris's hands, it is protected.

She is my dear neighbor. The one who solves everything. We love her very much in my condo. Iris is the owner and mistress of the garden, she has been our concierge for years, and the garden on the first floor PB, the same one that belongs to all of us as a community, is her work of art made of living nature.

She asks for and exchanges kills with the neighbors. Decide what is sown and what is removed. Water, prune, accommodate.

The neighborhood stops at the fence to ask him where he got a bush and if he can give them a little son. She is generous and shares her sowing with them.

Plants are the lungs of life, there is no better energy than them. They give joy, they decorate and above all they give warmth to the house from here, of what one is, of that when one arrives he says "Oh girl give me a little son of that bush to sow it in my house to see if it hits”.

On one occasion a neighbor had the exotic idea of proposing a garden of such avant-garde design with stones and landscaping.

At that time Iris had her holidays, she went to her land, in the Venezuelan Andes, in Mérida and asked that they do it (new avant-garde garden) while she was away and assured that she would never touch it to change it, but that she would take care of it.

Well, the surprise for everyone was that no one seconded the proposal of ultramodern and trendy landscaping. It was ripping out Iris's heart, and we all love it, her garden to the best design of her heart.

The people who come to visit us in the building, always tell him that it is a French garden, that its charm is the wild and wild, that what comes out of the soul speaks of a happy life.

When you walk around this region, pay attention so that you can enjoy it live and thus congratulate iris who always takes care of the plants with joy, enthusiasm, love, strength, she has a special communication with them.

Some say things to her, others bloom, it's something special to see this sweet woman take care of them, there are plants that are 20 years old in the condo.

She classifies the plants of the condominium into faithful, beautiful and cheerful. Yesterday I clean them, today I smoke them, tomorrow I fertilize them.

And believe me... Now that he lives under the same roof, my Cuji bonsai that gives shade to those who sit on the sofa and that is watched over day and night by us, and careful when I travel by Iris, the concierge of our condominium, when I go on a trip is the center of the home, the master of my daily amazement, the cuji has me amazed I had years without seeing that magical flower.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


How beautiful your garden looks, your bonsai, how good that you recovered and that Mrs. Iris takes care of it while you travel.

Plants are living beings that need our care and love.

Leidimar thank you for your loving comment about the nature of my home, it is a cuji bonsai that by the way does not cry from pain as the song says🎼, it is happy and breathing joy in my home.

I think I'll do a post soon about Mrs. Iris, this sweet woman who takes care of the plants in our condo.

I wish to you that roses continue to bloom in your ❤️

 3 months ago Reveal Comment

Thankssss You 🌹 SO much 🦋