That's as far as we got ...

in Reflectionslast month

Relationships are built and in that sense, a single swallow does not make summer, that is, in a relationship it takes two, without a doubt, it is like that.

Throughout my life I understood that love is the force that moves the world, there is nothing that cannot be achieved from love... But it is a feeling that is built... And it starts when you meet someone and understand their past, you stop demanding something that the other person does not know or has lived, and you teach them to love as you want to be loved, and you love them as that person needs to be loved, without communication it is impossible...

In fact, self-esteem is the basis of all our relationships

Many times the deepest change comes in that space, between silence and patience, from the freedom that only love gives us.

Love is patience...

Above all, he is patient when he has certainties and knows that the time will come to consolidate that, which is why he worked so hard.

More or less until when??? 😂Have you played chess?

Lol... Love is a game of chess, strategy and patience! and if you've played chess, understanding the game, the strategy, even the silences... are part of the waiting. The right attitude then is that of hope, until the end

No one can achieve a healthy marriage, without work in themselves, without dedication, without value, without change. It is from the skin to the outside where we find meaning to everything that happens from the skin to the inside.

What is it that we unconsciously seek in that being?

When we approach one another, when we desire one another, what is being put in tension is something of our own, either by similarity or by opposition.

Identifications and projections are so common in couples, until we alchemically know how to integrate what the other brings us, be it a partner, friend, co-worker, mother, father, son, brother...

That she/he may see himself/herself in our eyes, that I may see myself in her/his eyes and recognize parts of me that remain hidden from me, that remain in shadow.

This song that I'm sharing with you was given to me by Jannet, because as you know there are people who love me a lot and know what I'm up to. Thank you very much for this beautiful song and for your text. Infinite thanks, my friend.

🎶 You must remember this song "As Time Goes" Original Song by Dooley Wilson.

A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by
And when two lovers woo
They still say, I love you
On that can rely
No matter what the future brings.

Many times our urgency to find a love, makes us fall into despair. Consequence? Our self-esteem is hurt.

I know of cases where the person who is constantly looking for a partner is spreading damage left and right, without measuring the consequences. That, in the best of cases, in others, they are distributing children to different women.

Send fire is said in these cases. And so it is, desperation for love leads us to a precipice and drags others down. It is essential to take care of yourself.

On many occasions, so much desperation to swim in a relationship leaves us on the shore of loneliness, or even worse, with a "worse is nothing". That's the big risk, to catch the first bug or nail bug that offers villas and castles 😬Have you been desperate to find a partner?, let's talk in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Thank You so much 🦋