Sometimes ...

in Reflectionslast month

The emotion, above the reason...

It is important to know that all our emotions are valid and this applies to everyone.

Many times, and above all men are brought up with the stigma that: "Men DON'T cry", they endure desolation, abandonment, frustrations, rejections, anxiety and other emotions until a day comes when they implode, explode and can't control it.

People around us tend to criticize, give advice and other things, but there is no shoulder, no hug, nothing to support either man or us women who hold us in silence and tell us without words that we are not alone.

When my children were little when they cried and they did it because they were sad and I didn't know how to decipher what was happening to them, in those circumstances I learned that you have to let them cry all they want, listen to them in silence, hug them, lift them up, and not scold them, or make them feel bad about it, or judge them and without asking them why they were sad, today they are adults and when their emotions are scrambled and they are looking for me I do the same as I did when they were children.

Since we were children we need a lot of attention and love.

My reflection on this is that it is more important to teach them that they can cry and express their feelings than to look for the cause of why? It certainly applies to us as adults.

Personally, after I cry I feel like I've drained my emotions and then it feels like I've taken off a big weight, and I stay calm.

I just went through this episode, I couldn't find where so many tears were coming from, so much sadness, without realizing it I was crying, I spent 4 days like this and already on the fifth day everything returned to calm, as if nothing was happening.

Sometimes life does not give us what we want, but what we need. It leads us to slow down by stopping abruptly. And I really feel grateful for that. I say this, because things do not turn out as in dreams, but as very different realities, which if we know how to observe well, are the ones that really generate tranquility in what we are doing.

Sometimes, nonconformity is an obstacle, because it makes us move and move without stopping and actually what we need is to stop, cry and rest once and for all. Sometimes it is necessary to move our emotions with total freedom and learn to embrace what we feel.

Sometimes what is around us is much more valuable than what we are thinking about achieving, looking for or obsessing and sometimes who knows?, most of the time when sadness dominates.

Janitze 🫂

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


Thankssss You so much 💜

Your welcome