Proof of everything ...

in Reflections24 days ago

Undoubtedly, true courage does not lie in the absence of fear, but in your ability to face and overcome it. That internal struggle defines your capacity for resilience.

It is essential to understand that fear, far from being an obstacle, is a tool that can boost your self-improvement.

In my view of things, when you use that fear as fuel, you realize a true truth: you are stronger than you think. This is how you move forward, although fear whispers to you to stop.

In fact, I am totally convinced that, many times, getting out of some problems requires courage, courage from the emotional point of view, since having hope in the midst of difficulties can only be done by the brave.

Personally, I am a great example of resilience, even when I am not sure of winning the fight I do it even if I am afraid, thank God in my internal tools I have learned to face it and overcome it "Capacity" of courage to move forward that is not the absence of fear, precisely.

It is absolutely true that fear paralyzes.

Tell that to my cancer survivor. I put myself in the present one day at a time, plus the prayer that has a lot of power I took care of myself with the help of my husband, family, friends, but don't worry. Because God is pulling the strings of our life. He gives and takes away, so going forward, it was a very strong experience. Simply, change the attitude for Love, hope of faith and thank science and the team, medical body that I operate.

Hope is the last thing to be lost.

Because truly having hope is an act that is linked to independence, intelligence, resilience and the personal ability to look at the world much better.

And that is not achieved so easily or so quickly, that is why I say that hope is proof of everything and does not have to be based on reality because reality is what defines the processes in our life in what we control and what we do not. For example, if I begin to imagine and to have that toxic positivism that tends rather to the miracle, than to true elements to which things happen, then hope is fatuous.

And so hope does not serve me because even if I am not given what I want so much I will feel frustrated, even twice as much.

Hope is a process that is linked to the intrinsic, it is a process that is linked to feeling the necessary strength to be able to fight against the adversities that come my way.

Hope is not outward, it is inward.

Hope has to do with my abilities with my emotional and psychological integrity, it is even a spiritual process because it is so linked to emotions, that it becomes an act of faith that leads us to try to achieve the goals we want.

In order to be able to have hope and that it is proof of everything, it must be placed in the capabilities, in the strength, in my resilience, at least I believe in something beyond me is what is going to give me the strength, the opportunity, the structure so that I have the capacity, to be able to solve the problems, then such a hope is NOT from toxic positivism, such a hope works for me when it is "proof of everything".

There are times in our life when it is essential to have a hope that proves everything. How is your hope? Let's talk in comments.


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL