For fear of the unknown ...

in Reflections2 months ago


We spend our lives in the midst of one or another indecision...

The important thing is to set healthy boundaries in our relationships. It's better to say no on time than a meaningless yes. I say it without any doubt.

Saying NO to a situation that I don't like, I have achieved it, it hasn't been easy, it cost me a price, which I am willing to continue carrying forward.

I remember that from so much saying yes and being burdened with other people's situations led me to what they will judge and criticize me in the same way, I do not regret what I have lived, since for me this represents learning, but, giving an YES, just to please others, is not good, at the end of the road, they do not manage to see it, they only see the mistake.

I think that a NO on time simplifies my life a lot, and makes me more pleasant, at least everyday life.

Before making this decision, I was very sad to say NO, today I understood, that it is the right limit to avoid conflicts, which of course, take away my mental health.

In this very pleasant conversation with you in this post, the saying fits perfectly: Neither so bald nor with two wigs!. When we do not know how to say No, it is no, we carry responsibilities and commitments that do not belong to us.

We fill ourselves with tasks and expectations of others, forgetting our own voice. And you know what? We lose the meaning of our life. Why? Very simply, we feel overwhelmed, tired, and in the end, empty.

It is for example: as a child who wants to play, but is stuck in a classroom full of tasks and obligations. Do you realize that?

However, the other thing is not knowing how to say yes, and this deprives us of living fully. In addition to closing ourselves to new experiences and relationships that are meaningful.

This is how I have felt many times, like a girl who wants to explore the world, feeling locked in my space for fear of the unknown.

Really, for me, it's all about finding the balance. I am totally convinced that we are happier and more fulfilled when we exercise our right to set healthy boundaries, with emotional intelligence and stop giving assholes for fear of "what they will say".

Saying NO to something that hurts me, that takes me away from my essence because it overloads me, without a doubt, is self-esteem, it's self-love. What is essential is to learn to say yes to the opportunities, to the changes, and to the dreams that await us.

In addition, a NO in time has power, of course, depending on the use we make of it to help us grow or destroy us and set us back.

Not knowing how to say no, is just as bad as not knowing how to say, yes.

There is a typical saying about indecision: "Maybe I say 'YES' to this delicious pistasho ice cream cone, yum, or maybe I say 'NO' and so we spend our lives in the middle of one or another indecision. Does it make you or is it easy for you to say no?


Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited by me with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


😳 Is this an ice-cream or what!