Why Did the Hive Price Drop? .:. Recap of Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.25 + HHHLive Show recording

in Ecency4 months ago

The best thing about the #HHHLive show is engagement!!! Not just that anyone can jump on the microphone and talk, but also anyone can type in the event-chat during the show, contributing with valuable ideas and comments!!! I didn't see many shows like this one around as usually, one person talks, and others listen... But, in our show, the audience/participants are those who are creating the content!!! That's why you guys are the best!

Recap of HiveHumpdayHangout 25.jpg
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There is a lot of fear on the markets and among Hivians, so instead of freaking out and FUD-ing, we have gathered around in the show to discuss (okay, maybe "speculate" is a better word 😀), why did the Hive price drop, and what can we do about it! In the announcement post, I made an analogy with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, so I decided to stay in the same realm and the show was divided into 2 parts... In the first one, we discussed the reason behind the HIVE price drop, while in the second part, we were talking about "solutions" and ideas on what to do next...

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Sherlock's part of the show

As I said, in this part, participants share their thoughts, ideas, theories for reasons behind the HIVE price drop... For example, @foxkoit said that it could be because of the upcoming #HIveFest2024, so we discussed that possibility... @theringmaster had an idea that this big drop could be a consequence of a Bitcoin drop that happened in the same time... That's something that happens a lot, not just for HIVE, but for all altcoins out there, which truth be told, did happen this time too...

After that, @incublus came on the mic to share his views about the recent drop... One of the theories was Koreans selling HIVE, which we saw in the past happening as the Korean exchanges hold a lot of liquid HIVE and they were doing pump and dump schemes before... This time, we had a rumor/news about some legal changes for Korean exchanges that could be the trigger of this dump, especially for HIVE for said reasons... We discussed that but also compared HIVE with some other irrationally high-marketcap meme tokens...

After him, @relf87 came on the mic and shared his theory of Splinterlands's influence on the recent dump... Maybe that wasn't the main reason for the dump, but it could be a contributor to the snowball effect, for sure! Close to the end of this first part, @melinda010100 reminded us about the fact that markets are usually going down at the beginning of the summer... We had some other ideas on the table too, so don't forget to check out the recording!

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Dr. Watson's part of the show

In this part, we tried to cool down and think rationally about what we do in this position, at these times... The conclusion is not too much regarding the price action, but we can do the right thing and that's to use the opportunity that is in front of us... When we have these price drops, it's the best time to accumulate tokens... Not just by buying them from the market, but also, by creating content, engaging with others... Hard times are great to make new friends, as those people are the ones that will help you out when you need it, and are action takers!

Also, one of the things that we should do is to check out fundamentals... Did they change or not? If not, there is no reason to freak out!!! Speaking of that, we had a nice discussion about fear and greed, and how they are messing up with us to make wrong decisions...

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Don't forget to check out the show recording below!

We had 15 participants (including myself) in the show this week!!! Thanks for participating, @riyat, @abenad, @coolmidwestguy, @foxkoit, @incublus, @melinda010100, @mypathtofire, @nabu.doconosor2, @palomap3, @relf87, @theringmaster, @travoved, @trexane, and @wanderingmoon! Thank you guys and girls for the awesome time!

As usual, we had an after-show where we were talking about some "off-HIVE" topic this time... Among other things, a bit of weather, rain, and fishing!! 😃 If you want to participate in these, you gotta attend the live show! 😃

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Thank you, guys and girls, once again! As a sign of appreciation, I will send some LEN tokens to all participants of the live show! You can pair them with LENM tokens, add liquidity to the diesel pool, and earn rewards! If you want to learn more about the project behind it, check out the @liotes account or visit the Liotes website... Of course, if you are not interested in it, you can sell tokens on the Hive-Engine market...

To encourage more people to come on the mic, I have sent an additional 100 Ecency POINTS to people who shared their thoughts in voice with us! This time, we had two participants on the mic, @incublus and @relf87! Thanks guys for sharing the stage with me! So, this week, Ecency POINTS are going to them!

Special thanks goes to @melinda010100 and @good-karma for providing the space for the event!

Thank you for your time,

PS. If you have special ideas for the TOPIC (or guest) in future shows, don't hesitate to suggest them in the comment section!!! Thanks!

If you would like to support me, the easiest way to do it is to follow my account and vote for Liotes Hive Witness!
Appreciate your consideration and support!

Check out these links to the previous shows:

Episode NumberTitleLink
24What Do We Expect From Hive and Crypto!Link
23Aachen Meetup and WorldMapPin Talk With @detlev!Link
SE05Usernames Origins, Age, Early Retirement, Crypto Portfolio, and more...Link
22Helping Hive to ThriveLink
21Make Yourself Uncomfortable (on Hive!)Link
20First Excursions Out of the Comfort ZoneLink
SE04BuzzParty Impressions, Weekly Recap, BonfireLink
19Ways To Buy/Sell Hive!Link
SE03Foods, Crypto Research, Education, PredictionsLink
18Best Tools For Content CreationLink
17Consistency and Adding ValueLink
SE02After Show ShowLink
16CBRS Philanthropy Chat With @minigunner!Link
15Profit Taking PlanningLink
14Ecency/Hive Chat With @good-karma!Link
SE01Relaxed "Exclusive" SessionLink
13Writer's Block and How To Overcome ItLink
12Hive-Engine TokensLink
11Hive Guidelines for NewbiesLink
10NY Resolutions and Creating Hive GoalsLink
9How Was Your (HIVE) 2023?Link
8Presenta tu comunidad - ES/EN Show! - Part 2Link
7Present Your Community - Part 1Link
6How to Start on Hive?Link
5Do You Upvote Quality Posts?Link
4Genuine? Authentic? To be or not to be?Link
3Hive Power, HP Delegation, HivePUD...Link
2Hive Meetups, HiveFest, HiveBeeConLink
1Pilot Episode (Aired 2023-10-18) - The VisionLink

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


Thanks for the great show. It was great to hear the different points of view and find out others perspectives and think more critically, it gave me more confidence on Hive and the tight nit community we have.

It's always great to hear opinions and views from others... We tend to forget things, and it's great to hear those "reminders"!

Thanks for participating!

Nice show and thanks for posting the video of it. It was a good discussion and I believe that whenever prices go down, it's an opportunity to fill our bags more. Btw. I got inspired for my latest post lol.

Wooohooo! Nice to hear that you got inspired to write a post about the topic! And you did a good job... I didn't comment yet, but I read it :)

It were interesting format and topic for yesterday show. But unfortunatly I missed last part due issues with network connection (

I have noticed that you disappeared in the last part... You can check out the recording and see what you have missed!

Thanks for coming! Always a pleasure to hear your views!

Thanks for bringing up such an interesting topic man, the brainstorming we did yesterday clarified some things in my mind and made me think of things I never thought of.

That's the beauty when we get different views from different people... It helps us to get better the "big picture" and a better understanding of things!

I was happy to see all that chatting during the show and the participation of many!

Thanks for coming by! I hope you will have more festive Wednesdays! :)

The show did not disappoint me, it was great to know the different theories, in addition to being fun it is a very informative space. 😃

Hehehehe... I remember that you said that you don't know a lot about these "market events", but nobody knows, so you were as good as anyone else there...
It was fun and I got some useful reminders that I forgot about...

Thanks for participating!!!

Thank you for the summarize, I have never had a chance yet to join the show, but for sure not the one who will come out to the mic, but I am a good listener only. maybe next time, when I have the chance to stay up late, so I could join the show. : )

Others might see red, but for me, it is green, green all the way to build up those juice HP. moar power please, heheh


I have never had a chance yet to join the show, but for sure not the one who will come out to the mic, but I am a good listener only.

Don't worry about talking... If you checked the recording, you will notice that not many talked, but it was busy in the chat/text channel... Which also counts as "active" participation... :)

Others might see red, but for me, it is green, green all the way to build up those juice HP. moar power please, heheh

Hehehe... Indeed... :)

I really enjoyed the event last night, everything went smoothly, and there was no tension whatsoever, everyone was allowed to give opinions and values, here everyone was a participant. that's why this is a really great event. And what makes me really happy is, we can interact and meet new friends there. even though I only heard. but I really enjoyed it, this is a great event . There is a lot of knowledge that can be gained from this event. TRULY EXTRAORDINARY 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳❤❤❤

Thank you very much for your kind words! 😍
The show wouldn't be what it is without the awesome audience and all of you guys! It is a "shared stage" show and it makes it what it is!

Personally I don't think there's one reason why the Hive price has dropped. I think there are collections of reasons and the most obvious is BTC tanking and taking the alts down with it.

Personally I read a lot of FUD post recently and the one I read today says it's because we have retention issues and because of that we're dead.

It's good to have a lot of people on the show again, once again, I missed out.

That's exactly one of the reasons I stated during the live show bro.
It's a combination of so many different things and I'm thinking it includes more selling on exchange platforms, people withdrawing because of fear do further dipping and perhaps the Bitcoin drops..

Personally I don't think there's one reason why the Hive price has dropped. I think there are collections of reasons and the most obvious is BTC tanking and taking the alts down with it.

I suppose that was the final conclusion of this show... We had a few important things happening in the same time, and the rest was a snowball effect...

Personally I read a lot of FUD post recently and the one I read today says it's because we have retention issues and because of that we're dead.

Anyone who has been on the chain for more than a year knows that we have retention issues... Not many are working to improve that as it is not a good "selling product" like onboarding... One of my main ideas for running this show was to get Hivians together, to learn from each other, as in my opinion, that's a good way to make this place more friendly, where people WANT to stay!

It's good to have a lot of people on the show again, once again, I missed out.

We are patiently waiting for you to join one of the next shows... 🙂

This was a very productive show brother and my favorite take home was the points you made

  • Are you here to accumulate Crypto or FIAT
  • Usually those who are active during Hive bear market are going to be long standing and successful
  • Bear market time is the best time to engage...

I literally didn't read from a book to make these points they stuck with me and I'm very grateful bro. A big thank you to Melinda and Good karma and To You bro. I love @ecency

I have deliberately skipped those points to mention in the written part of the post, in the hope that those who check the recording get those points as a cherry on top of the cake... 😃

But, I'm glad that those were the points that you get from the show, as those things are in our power, and we CAN do something about them... We can't do too much regarding the price movements as we don't have enough liquid HIVE to move the price, but we can engage, create, and change our point of view about crypto...

THanks for participating and sharing your views during (and after) the show!

It was an absolute pleasure brother and wow you're so right about this, if we had more liquid Hive in our possession we could have moved the market. I guess we can control this but I hope more Hive goes to long-term thinkers

It really was great to listen to all the ideas. It just goes to show that even Hive can be volatile just like many other cryptocurrencies.

My take is to be more aggressive with building my stake. Hey I have fun here and what I have in HP is what I have done in the chain creating content. My loss would be just my time invested to that since I haven't yet flowed any of my own monies. Stacking up Hive for engaging and making use of my time creating, win win! Regardless of price one thing I won't lose is the relationships I have made here 😊

Stacking up Hive for engaging and making use of my time creating, win win! Regardless of price one thing I won't lose is the relationships I have made here 😊

I love that!! 😍 ❤️ I needed some time to understand that, and I have to say that the revelation was when I went to my first HiveFest in 2022... After that, I did many, smaller Hive meetups and that gives a completely different view of things... Those relationships that you mention are going to another level... 🙂

Thanks for joining the show! I hope you will make it next times, too! It was great to have you!

Someday I'll meet up with some Hivians at a Hive Fest or a smaller meetup. Hey your show in a sense is like one but is available on a weekly basis. BTW no other Hiver has heard my voice so another first for me. Where's my badge? haha joking. Take care.

Hey your show in a sense is like one but is available on a weekly basis.

That was the idea of doing these shows... and that's why it's called "hangout"! A virtual meetup!

Next week we should have a "freestyle" show without a specific topic, and without recording... It could be fun... :)

Where's my badge?

Maybe we could have a talk with @arcange regarding the #HHHLive badge... :) It is a kind-of a (virtual) meetup... :)

See you!

Another brilliant show! I'm already looking forward to the next one!

Thank you very much! It was nice to hear different opinions and reminders about some past events... :)
Thanks for participating and of course, for all your support in and out of the show... :)

It was an informative show! Glad to hear different viewpoints on the show and thanks for being such an awesome host!

Thank you very much! Always happy to hear that people enjoyed the show and learned something new! Mission accomplished! 🙂

Thanks for coming! See you next week!

Koreans and Splinterlands sound like the reasons that makes more sense to me. I do know that the wild pass has changed quite a bit in the game and I do agree that the price dropped quite a bit after the proposal passed.

SPL changes did some "damage" for sure... During the show, @relf87 shared some charts and it was scary to see the huge drop in played battles!

Yeah it's still available on: https://peakmonsters.com/dashboard

There's a version of interpretation to that actually. Someone said it's actually not a "bad" thing because these could just be the bots that are unwilling to pay for the pass but are yet getting the rewards previously. I guess time will tell.

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @dimascastillo90 suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

Thanks for your curation, @dimascastillo90! Appreciate the support!

@ph1102, you are most welcome!

Here is !ALIVE token gift for you

Does it mean that the Koreans are selling Hive due to the decrease in price or what?

We discussed it in the show... You should check out the recording... ;)