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RE: What Happened to Hive Price? .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.25 (Wednesday, June 19, 4 PM UTC)

in Ecency3 months ago

it is a sport where 11 players are chasing the ball, and Germany wins 😂

I guess I can turn the TV off now and put the charts back on to watch the red... so much red 😂


Yay! Portugal won! That goal in extra time was precious! 😃

Good luck in Euro 2024! And in HIVE! 😀

That goal was not cool at all! :D :(

Just kidding, the Portuguese definitely deserved to win that match and we can be glad that it was only by one goal ;)

Tbh, I liked those powerful counter-attacks that your team had... I'm usually cheering for Portugal, but in this match, I was cheering for a draw... 😃

Wait, you are a Hungarian living in Spain (if I remember correctly) and you cheer for Portugal in football? :)

Hahahaha... Yeah... but why not? 😃
I mean, I don't have just one team to cheer... I like moar! 😂

Yeah, I know what you mean but this concept is not so easy to adopt for me as I grew up in an environment based on what we call here "clubism". That basically means that in football, for example, you support only your hometown club and only the national team of your own country. But to be honest, I have developed some affection for other national teams as well, especially those of countries where I lived. But I still wouldn´t call myself fan of those teams. Here in my region, being a fan means being a hardcore fan :D

I have a friend who is hosting his website ( on my server and I know that a lot of the time, the main posts are about football fans from your country, or neighboring countries... hahahahaha

PS. As I can see, Sparta is on the homepage... ahhahaha

Haha, that´s cool, I know this website :) I have always considered myself just a normie fan but I do have friends in the other two groups of fans too (ultras and hools) so I know quite a lot of websites that cover this topic :) And yes, you are right, we have a pretty decent fan scene in my country but when it comes to real football fanaticism, our neighbors Germans and especially Poles are another level. When we lived in Krakow, we often visited home games of Wisla Krakow and the atmosphere at the stadium was just incredible ;)

Though I dont exactly follow football events, so I will take the luck for Hive :p