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RE: Content Creation Process .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.26 (Wednesday, July 10, 4 PM UTC)

in Ecency2 months ago (edited)

Haaa what a great time for ChocolateScorpi to reappear! 🤣

And I would love to know what other people do- get some tips and tricks, then I could be more consistent even when I'm flatout in IRL...

I WANT to be more consistent, I WANT to be on Hive all day every day so all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Now I Should probably get back to work...🙄...

See you in a few hours!


Not sure that I understood your idea for the topic, but by reading the comments, it looks like others didn't either... Anyway, we will see in which direction the show will go... I will try to navigate it around the topic... 😃

See you in around 4 hours!