Why Do Most Smarter Minds Work For Incompetent And Incapable Employers?

in Ecencylast year

One of the unfair and unbalance things in life is seeing most smart people working for those with low capability, just because they feel there is no choice.


You have heard the saying that 'most first class works for third class', that saying is very true.
The reason for this is that most smart people have very low self-esteem, they focused only on their knowledge without building the self-confidence to take them to the top.

Nobody is stopping you from working for someone or becoming employee, but why must it be for the person you feel are not worth your time and respect. It is not about being smart to work, but also being smart to dedicate your time to people that you can worth it, those who you can can respect and at the same time learn from.

You must realize that there are so many rich people who are incompetent, they are always looking for smart people they can use to build their wealth and fulfill their dreams, while they thrive your time is wasted and you end up learning and achieving not, just the peanuts they pay you as salary.

As a smart and intelligent person, it is unwise to easily settle with people that are incompetent just because you are hurriedly in need of financial success. I know it might be challenging and this employer entices you with their money, but what is need when you will gain nothing at the end, no increase in knowledge or skills, you only work for the interest of others and abandon yours to the mud.

As I said earlier there is nothing wrong working under someone, a 9-5 job is not bad, but the issue there is working for someone who you hate for 50+ hours a week, is that not pathetic. You let your potential waste, you spend years working for other without becoming the person you ever want to be, and at the end you fell terrible for yourself. You also forgot that there is a family who want the best of you, they don't only care about what you have to offer, but want you to always be the best version of yourself.

Most of this employers are not that smart or intelligence, but they make self-esteem and confidence their priority, that is why they were able to accomplish what they had even without being incompetent. It feels sad that smart people who lack self-esteem later work for this incompetent employers, but that is just life, you cannot have it all.


For those smart minds looking for work, don't rush in choosing any random employer, have the courage to carefully select the ones that align with your self development and growth, someone you can respect and learn from, it is very important for your future.