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RE: Content Creation Process .:. Hive Humpday Hangout Ep.26 (Wednesday, July 10, 4 PM UTC)

in Ecency5 months ago

I agree with you that content creation takes a lot of time to stay consistent, for me unusually love to write when everywhere is peaceful and calm, that means very late at night for me, if I have to think deeply, but if it's just sharing music and how my day went, well I could do it any time of the day, I noticed that daily writing helps to fight writer's block, your brain automatically knows it's ready for something, haha.

How can I join the hang out?


It looks like we are similar regarding having a "peaceful place for content creation", but even if I'm doing some "easy post", I need peace around... 😃

I noticed that daily writing helps to fight writer's block, your brain automatically knows it's ready for something, haha.

That's true! Even if I'm tired, or don't want to do it, my brain starts throwing ideas and puzzling the pieces into one blog... 😃

How can I join the hang out?

You have details on how to join in the post... Join the Ecency Discord (if you didn't), follow the steps and see you in less than 5 hours of the moment when I created this comment :)