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RE: Snaps Container // 1734362640

in Snaps3 days ago

another fully-booked schedule for today. Thank you students... <3 I need money... hahaha xDD

#work #Tuesdaygrind



We all need money, my wife is hoping for her schedule to be like that :D

Does your wife teach online, too? :)

She a sen law advocate, so making sure children in school get the provisions they need to succeed, she does it online so yeah

Ohh wow... that's an awesome job. :)
It's great how she could help those children. <3

That’s great especially now that it’s just a week before the holiday.

Yes... my company doesn't have any bonuses, so I need to work more. hahaha Enjoy the holidays!

You too, enjoy the holidays!


Nice one, but do take time to rest and recover too

Thank you... I will... I take several breaks in between, so it's all good. :D

Bring it on!

Hahaha... I survived! Got another batch today! <3

Good to know, xD.
