🙋 ¡Hola a todos!
🙋 Hello everyone! I hope you are doing very well, that all your plans are coming to fruition and if not yet, that each day brings you closer to them. On this side we are doing very well💕.
This time I come to share with you my answer to one of the weekly questions from the beautiful Ladies of Hive community, which are very valuable and interesting and make us analyze and imagine different aspects of our life. Without further ado...
️💜 Hoy en día, las relaciones prematrimoniales proliferan entre los jóvenes. ¿Y si te quedas embarazada y te encuentras con unos suegros maleducados y una pareja incapaz de valerse por sí misma o de defenderte? ¿Preferirías soportar sus malos tratos o abandonar la relación y criar sola a tu hijo? ¿Por qué?
Personalmente, pienso que si dos personas no tienen amor, respeto mutuo, comunicación, y ninguna intensión por hacer que la relación mejore, lo mejor es finalizar todo antes que se hagan más daño o no puedan tener una buena comunicación y eso es algo primordial en los padres para las decisiones de sus hijos incluso no estando juntos.
💜 Today, premarital relationships are rampant among young people. What if you become pregnant and find yourself with rude in-laws and a partner who is unable to fend for himself or herself? Would you rather put up with their abuse or leave the relationship and raise your child alone? Why?
Personally, I think that if two people have no love, mutual respect, communication, and no intention to make the relationship better, the best thing to do is to end it all before they hurt each other more or can't have good communication and that is something that is paramount in parents for their children's decisions even if they are not together.
The most important thing is to make sure that the baby receives love and care, regardless of the parents' circumstances.
Nos vemos en una próxima publicación.
Bendiciones y abrazos digitales🤗
See you in an upcoming post.
Blessings and digital hugs🤗