LOH Iniciativa 190: Entre cambios inevitables y cortes de cabello [ESP/ENG]

in Ladies of Hive4 months ago

¡Hola chicas hermosas de LOH! Espero estén muy bien y tengan una semana genial.

Cada semana, esta comunidad nos trae propuestas para que compartamos nuestros pensamientos y experiencias, esta vez, en su edición 190, son las siguientes:

Hi beautiful LOH girls! I hope you are doing great and having a great week.

Every week, this community brings us submissions for us to share our thoughts and experiences, this time, in its issue 190, are the following:

1️⃣ Los cambios son inevitables, pero a veces nos cuesta adaptarnos a ellos. ¿Hubo alguna circunstancia o cambio repentino que afectó a tu vida, rutina o estilo de vida? ¿Cómo lo afrontaste? ¿Lo pasaste mal? Por favor, comparte la historia.
Y / 𝐎
2️⃣ Algunas mujeres se cortan el pelo ellas mismas no principalmente para ahorrar dinero, sino porque les divierte hacerlo. ¿Alguna vez te lo has cortado tú misma? ¿Cómo te ha quedado? ¿Lo volverías a hacer?

1️⃣ Changes are inevitable but sometimes we find it difficult to adapt to them. Was there a circumstance or a sudden change that impacted your life, routine, or lifestyle? How did you deal with it? Did you have a hard time? Please share the story.
2️⃣ Some women cut their own hair not mainly to save money but because they find fun in doing it. Have you ever done it yourself? How did it turn out? Would you do it again?

En relación a los cambios en mi vida...

Son muchos los cambios que he tenido que asumir, los más significativos para mí, son las mudanzas, desde que era una adolescente mis padres se mudaban con frecuencia por circunstancias diversas y ahora, después de adulta, también he tenido que mudarme y aunque en teoría es para mejor, no siempre logro adaptarme a los cambios.

Por ejemplo, desde hace 6 años que estoy viviendo en la ciudad de San José de Guanipa, un lugar diametralmente opuesto al sitio en el que vivía antes (Lechería) y aunque aprecio la tranquilidad que me aporta, en el que no hay tráfico y puedo ir de un municipio a otro rápidamente, aún no me acostumbro, siento que no pertenezco aquí.

In relation to the changes in my life....

There are many changes that I have had to assume, the most significant for me, are the moves, since I was a teenager my parents moved frequently for various circumstances and now, after adulthood, I have also had to move and although in theory it is for the better, I do not always manage to adapt to the changes.

For example, for 6 years I have been living in the city of San José de Guanipa, a place diametrically opposed to the place where I lived before (Lechería) and although I appreciate the tranquility it brings me, where there is no traffic and I can go from one municipality to another quickly, I am still not used to it, I feel that I do not belong here.

Sin embargo, es mi aquí y ahora, así que me enfoco en disfrutar las ventajas que tiene: La vegetación, los sitios para caminar, la facilidad de tránsito que nos permite llevar a nuestros hijos a sus colegios y demás actividades, el hecho de que mis hijos están cerca de su abuela, primas y tíos, lo cómodo que es para mí ir al trabajo, la seguridad que hay en la urbanización que vivimos, lo rica que es al agua directa de pozo, entre tantas cosas más.

Sí, ha sido un buen lugar para mis hijos y me siento agradecida por eso.

En cualquier situación que sea difícil para nosotros, lo ideal es salir de ahí, pero si no podemos, nos toca apreciar lo bueno que tenemos, en lugar de enfocarnos en lo que no podemos cambiar.

However, it is my here and now, so I focus on enjoying the advantages it has: The vegetation, the places to walk, the ease of transit that allows us to take our children to their schools and other activities, the fact that my children are close to their grandmother, cousins and uncles, how comfortable it is for me to go to work, the security that exists in the urbanization where we live, how rich it is to the direct well water, among so many other things.

Yes, it has been a good place for my children and I feel grateful for that.

In any situation that is difficult for us, the ideal is to get out of it, but if we can't, we have to appreciate the good things we have, instead of focusing on what we can't change.

Sí, me he cortado el cabello yo misma

Desde hace tiempo que experimento con mi cabello, lo he teñido y me lo he cortado en muchas ocasiones, algunas veces fue por evitar perder tiempo en una peluquería y los últimos años, sí fue para ahorrar dinero.

La mayor parte de las veces he estado conforme con los resultados, excepto una vez, la que muestro en las siguiente serie de imágenes.

Yes, I have cut my hair myself.

I have been experimenting with my hair for some time now, I have colored it and cut it on many occasions, sometimes it was to avoid wasting time at a hair salon and the last few years, yes it was to save money.

Most of the time I have been happy with the results, except once, the one I show in the following series of pictures.

Son fotografías de 2022, recuerdo que esa vez es cuando más largo tenía el cabello a petición de mi hijo y un día me puse a buscar cortes por Internet, porque quería experimentar con alguno diferente al que siempre me hacía.

Probé uno que consistía en hacerme cuatro coletas y luego cortaba el cabello. El resultado fue como el de la foto del medio en la imagen anterior, nada agradable.

Entonces decidí recogerme el cabello en una sola cola baja para emparejarlo y me quedó como en la última foto, con ese quedé conforme.

Desde entonces no me he vuelto a cortar el cabello yo misma, realmente creo que no tengo talento para eso.

Actualmente mi cabello está algo un poco largo para mi gusto y bastante parejo, tengo pensado ir a una peluquería para que me hagan un corte diferente.

These are pictures from 2022, I remember that time is when I had the longest hair at my son's request and one day I started looking for haircuts on the Internet, because I wanted to experiment with a different one than the one I always did.

I tried one that consisted of making four ponytails and then cut the hair. The result was like the middle picture in the previous image, not nice at all.

Then I decided to put my hair in a low ponytail to even it out and it looked like the one in the last picture, and I was happy with that one.

Since then I haven't cut my hair myself, I really don't think I have the talent for it.

Currently my hair is a bit too long for my taste and pretty even, I'm planning to go to a salon to get a different cut.

Hasta aquí mi participación amig@s, manténganse a salvo y sean felices, tanto como puedan.

So much for my participation friends, stay safe and be happy, as much as you can.

Portada diseñada en Canva.
Fotografías de mi propiedad.
Separadores elaborados en PowerPoint.
Traducción cortesía de deepl.com.

Cover designed in Canva.
Photos of my property.
Separators elaborated in PowerPoint.
Translation courtesy of deepl.com.



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Greetings 🤗

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@syllem, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.

True ma'am. 😊 Focusing on what's matter rather than complaining. 😊
Changes are part of our life just like how you change your hair.😊

That's right fixyetbroken, it is better to be thankful for the good things we have, so we will always receive more reasons to be thankful.


True..😊 Appreciate what we have is a simple way to be happy. 😊 Greetings too.😊

We tend to resist changes most times, but like you said, either we do something about it or accept and see the good things in them. Sounds like your new place is lovely :)

The hair disaster happens hehe, at least you tried and learned you can't :) Thank you for sharing your experiences, !LADY ❤️

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Changes take us out of our comfort zone, that's why we resist, however, many times the results are good, so it's better to keep an open mind and see what happens.
Not everything we see on the Internet turns out well, hahaha.
It was a pleasure to participate.
Have a nice day.

Beautiful clouds and weather.

These days have been rainy, so the sky has been cloudy, but I love the weather like this, because it is cool.
Thanks for your support.
Best regards.

I used to have my hair dyed bright red too with straight bangs cut above the shoulders but it was hard on my fine dry hair so I went back it my natural state. Less maintenance. Nice to change every once in a while @syllem

I understand what you are saying perfectly, my hair is also fragile, I usually rest difficult to maintain colors with neutral colors, in fact, I am already planning to change color, even cut, this month. I love to look different from time to time.

Cheers, thanks for commenting.

¡Con ese color de cabello y mucho mas corto te quedará fabuloso!