Our Easter Lamb Cake

in Ladies of Hive3 months ago

This Easter Lamb Cake recipe is a pound cake baked in a lamb mold. My daughter created this adorable Easter dessert for our Easter Sunday meal. It was almost too pretty to eat!
It is an old family tradition that I love seeing being continued.

You need a dense cake batter for this cake. Pound cakes are traditionally used in cake molds because they hold their shapes well after baking.

After a few catastrophes in years past, wooden picks are baked into the cake to
stabilize the neck and ears

Lamb cakes are traditional Easter desserts in many European countries, and ancestors who immigrated to America brought the tradition here. I remember lamb cakes at our family dinners when I was a child.

A big blob of frosting helps the lamb stand in place on the plate.

The little lamb is now only a delicious memory!

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Looks great and for sure very delicious 💖 I love to see traditions being kept !ALIVE over the generations

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Passing along family traditions is so important!

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Cake is looking so delicious 🤤

It truly was a perfect dessert!

Awww... so pretty and creative!! It is adorable, @melinda010100 !
What a wonderful tradition!

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It was pretty tasty, too!

That's so cute 👌, but sadly the cuteness didn't last long. Haha

😂 Not long at all!

So cute 😊 looks delicious indeed…

It was very tasty!

Thats great 😁

What a beautiful and delicious tradition, I didn't know about lamb pie, I'm going to research more about them, to be honest it looks really exquisite
Thank you very much for sharing your traditions dear friend @melinda010100
Have a beautiful day

I see many recipes on line. It is a great tasting cake.

I remember lamb cakes in my childhood too. They were quite rare and the more I loved it (and never tasted, LOL). Yours are so sweet 😊

Oh! So good to hear that you remember lamb cakes, too! Trust me, they are delicious.

Great job! You can't beat some home made baking!

Homemade is the best!

Well, that's a new one for me. It's an original habit, it's the first I've heard of it. I am looking around, but it's not in my region. But it is nice. 😎

I think it may have origins in Germany, Poland, Italy or from the Czech Republic. The original old cake molds were cast iron.

I'm not sure if I would be able to eat that dessert. The lamb is so cute!!

It was a perfect holiday decoration, until we ate it!

That is really cool! What a creative cake and perfect for Easter!

It was pretty tasty! I love holidays and the food that goes along with them!

I hope that you had a good Easter Lady Melinda, and that lamb was the icing on the cake !LOL

I tried to starte a professional hide and seek team but it didn't work out.
Turns out good players are hard to find.

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Sir Stephan! It's always nice to hear from you. ❤️

I do apologize milady, as I have been slacking with my communications lately. Much work, and a chronic health problem is one excuse, and then the power cuts also do not improve matters !LOL

Who changes the season when Summer is over?
No one, it happens Autumnatically.

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I didn't know this tradition of Easter, just painting eggs :)

We painted eggs, too. I should create a post about the eggs!

Traditions are so wonderful. No cake is too pretty for me to eat 😊 but this one is beautiful.

It left pretty memories behind! 😁

Lamb cakes are traditional Easter desserts in many European countries

I had no idea about this, such a valuable tradition and I am sure you feel proud always seeing your family still carrying the tradition. The cake looks super cute and beautiful. I bet it was so delicious too...

I was really hoping some of you would be familiar with Lamb Cakes and could tell me more about them!

That's a beautiful creation, even though I know it is delicious, I feel like I won't dare to eat it coz the perfect shape will be destroyed ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

We have photos to make it last forever! 😁


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The event should be celebrated in the same way with the family, then there is maximum happiness.

This reminds me of my daughter's llama cake she had for her birthday years ago!

Very cool mold process. I did not know you could do that!

A llama cake would be fun! I saw that Nordic Ware has a mold for an octopus cake. 😁

Hehehe. @clairemobey made an octopus cake. No mold used though.

Well now, Let's not forget the terrifying Llama 😂😂

Hehe. I mentioned that. It was cool to get the pink rice-crispies brain though.


I hear Sasquatch makes bowls out of clay
He's a hairy potter

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that was the best part!!!


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Very cute, tasty looking and I am sure it was wonderful good! Thanks for sharing; especially the tips about the sticks. Take care!🤗💜

Your daughter is very creative for her to have done this
Looks so good
Nice desert!

This very nice concept 😍 very beautiful

This is so cute 😄

Wow I really love to see how things later work out well

Wow, you are like a professional chef, ma'am, it could be that you have hidden talents 👍