There's a song I had on a USB lost now somewhere that has a sample in it saying something about life that included "there is such great joy and also great sorrow".
It's so much of everything, Isn't it?
I'm so sorry for your immense loss. And these events are always such a whirlwind of emotion, memory, often sorrow and joy and life and everything all at once.
She would have loved it. No doubt. In fact... when I saw it I stopped and just stared at it. It felt as though I'd seen it before and something was jolted in my mind somewhere. Perhaps we had one like it. We must have.
Your decorations are friggin' awesome, dude! It's like stepping back in time for a while. This post. And those Christmasses way back when... when we were little enough for this not to be so retro? Those were the ones.
Those were the ones.