You missed your steps when you rush

in ecoTrain3 months ago

The moment people starts knowing they can still do it with time, would make them to work comfortably and achieve it, not minding if it seems to be difficult.

It is not doubt anymore, with the recent trends going on in the world right now, ranging from smartphones that people's used, the choices of clothes we wear, shoes styles and all others fancy thing's, are drawing people to believed that, it will be a waste of time to focus on their works and take it one step at a time.

Mostly, what I do when I came across peoples with this mindsets, is to laughed at them and jott it down that, they are not the kind of people I should relate with, because, something is certain and that is, there will always be a trend in either, fashions, gadgets, styles of buildings and as well as the car's we drive, so I used to asked myself, "why bothering myself for all of this, when what's to come will be more authentic" because the latest model of all these things have not yet surface.

The reason why I stopped going to the club was this, I was so keen in going to the club, but seeing the way the whole things in the clubhouse turned out, I realized it was time for me to rearrange myself, yes, everyone has money, and some people may not show it off, because they don't want to live their life that way.

But it is so awful when bars and clubs are now turning to where people spread money and do all sorts of things, although, I am not judging anybody on how they lived their life, but, I personally do not think it was right and seeing those kinds of things only make me have a second thought, just as they say, "we learn when we taught our self.

I decided to stop going and, I have not been to clubs for long, although I do go to bar's and have some nice time, I don't allow it to gets late because, I wouldn't want to start seeing those things, where people show off their canvas, wrist watch, phones, clothes and at times, they brag about the car's they drive.

As far as I know, places like bars and clubs were for refreshments and, maybe, when we have a hard night, we go out there and get some entertainment, therefore, this sudden lifestyle of showing off materials things has eaten deep inside the life of many people and it is not good at all.

Most people just want to be the top notch in town, we hear of bad behavior everyday, I think it's caused by this mindsets that seems to become the culture of the people, and mostly, I think, this is the bad effect of social media, as it gives us the privilege to watch the way other peoples lived, then it makes some people to get moved suddenly and want to lived the lifestyle of those people they watched.

Even young people these days are ready to compete with elderly person, "could you just imagine that kind of mindset?, sometimes, they see someone who has work for so many years, living his life from his hard earned money and someone will wish he could be that man, forgetting that the man work for everything he has.

It was back then that they said, peoples dislike work, I think these days, more people don't even remember something like work, all we hear is, I wish to be, or I want to be, when they have not start working it out.

The mindset of people needs to be corrected, for a peaceful world, for us and also for the next generation.

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