There is no better place than nature to clear your mind (Es-Eng )

in Inspired by Nature2 years ago
Hola amigos de esta maravillosa ¨Inspired by Nature Community¨:  No encontré una mejor manera para concluir la semana que posteando en este hermoso lugar, aquí encuentro personas con mis mismos gustos, a todos nos encanta la naturaleza por diversas razón, en lo particular, me encanta porque es donde me encuentro con mi lado creativo, además, no hay mejor lugar que la naturaleza para despejar la mente

Source: Family Álbum

Hello friends of this wonderful ¨Inspired by Nature Community¨:  I couldn't find a better way to end the week than posting in this beautiful place, here I find people with the same tastes as me, we all love nature for various reasons, in particular, I love it because it is where I find myself with my creative side, there is also no better place than nature to clear my mind

En varias oportunidades les hable de Iván mi hijo mayor, hace algunos años tomo la determinación de mudarse a otra ciudad en busca de un mejor futuro, su novia en ese momento quedo embarazada, y necesitaba mejor sus ingresos para brindar una mejor vida al bebe que estaba por llegar, por una cuestión de costo de viaje viajo solo a la ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨:  , el peor error que pudo cometer

Source: Family Álbum

On several occasions I told you about Iván my eldest son, a few years ago he made the decision to move to another city in search of a better future, his girlfriend at that time became pregnant, and he needed better his income to provide a better life for the baby that was to come, for a matter of travel cost I travel alone to the ¨city ¨ of ¨Ushuaia¨: , the worst mistake you could have made

El amor, sobre todo en parejas muy jóvenes, hay que estar alimentando a diario, y no es bueno estar alejado de la mujer que amas por mucho tiempo, la llama que mantiene cálida la relación se puede apagar, y fue lo que sucedió a mi hijo, cuando quiso que su novia y su bebe recién nacido viajaran a ¨ciudad¨ de ¨Ushuaia¨:  ella manifestó no estar muy segura, y que prefería quedarse sola con el niño a viajar a otra ciudad, además, el amor que sentía por el ya no era el mismo. Esto destrozo a mi hijo, para olvidar lo sucedido busco refugio en su empleo trabajando muchas horas al día, esto dio un fruto económico, en pocos meses compro un terreno al pie de un cerro, un hermoso lugar rodeado de mucha naturaleza, hizo una hermosa casa con todas las comodidades

Source: Family Álbum

Love, especially in very young couples, must be nurtured daily, and it is not good to be away from the woman you love for a long time, the flame that keeps the relationship warm can turn off, and that was what happened to my son, when he wanted his girlfriend and her newborn baby to travel to ¨city¨ of ¨Ushuaia¨:  she stated that she was not very sure, and that she preferred to stay alone with the child than to travel to another city, in addition, the love she felt for him was no longer the same. This destroyed my son, to forget what happened, he sought refuge in his job working many hours a day, this gave an economic result, in a few months he bought a piece of land at the foot of a hill, a beautiful place surrounded by a lot of nature, he made a beautiful house with all the comforts

Unos años después conoció a otra mujer en las mismas condiciones que él, madre de dos hijos separada de su esposo, y decidieron que sería bueno formar una familia, al año del comienzo de esta relación llego mi nieta Alaia, en la actualidad tiene 4 años. Para brindar una mejor atención a su nueva familia cambio de empleo, decidió seguir mis pasos y trabajar en una tienda de supermercado, otro gravísimo error, este tipo de actividades insume muchas horas, se trabaja todo el día los 365 días del año, sobre todo si eres un responsable de algún área del establecimiento, un puesto que ocupa mi hijo. Esto es una de esos trabajos que alejan a los empleados de la familia, y por lo general terminan divorciados, un proceso por el cual esta pasando en la actualidad mi hijo. Los divorcios nunca son buenos, sobre todo si hay niños pequeños de por medio, ellos no comprenden la situación. Esta semana ha sido de mucho trabajo en la empresa, mi hijo tuvo que trabar varios días sin dormir para cumplir con el periodo de inventarios de los productos del supermercado, ahora tiene unos días de franco y los está aprovechando para visitar a un amigo que vive en ¨Tolhuin¨:  una ciudad vecina de ¨Ushuaia¨

Source: Family Álbum

A few years later he met another woman in the same conditions as him, a mother of two children separated from her husband, and they decided that it would be good to start a family, a year after the beginning of this relationship came My granddaughter Alaia is currently 4 years old. To provide better care for his new family, he changed jobs, decided to follow in my footsteps and work in a supermarket, another very serious mistake, this type of activity takes many hours, you work all day, 365 days a year, especially if you are responsible for some area of the establishment, a position that my son occupies. This is one of those jobs that takes employees away from the family, and they usually end up divorced, a process that my son is currently going through. Divorces are never good, especially if there are young children involved, they do not understand the situation. This week has been a lot of work in the company, my son had to work several days without sleeping to meet the inventory period of the supermarket products, now he has a few days off and is taking advantage of them to visit a friend who lives in ¨Tolhuin¨:  a neighboring city of ¨Ushuaia¨

¨Tolhuin¨:  es el mejor lugar para visitar si estas pasando por algo que requiere un poco de tranquilidad mental, un lugar alejado de toda civilización con muchos lugares hermosos para visitar, hay un lago muy conocido el ¨lago¨ ¨Fagnano¨:  una belleza natural que es imposible no visitar si estas allí. Iván está aprovechando al máximo sus días de franco, visito a sus amigos y recorrió la ciudad para hacer estas bellas tomas con su teléfono ¨SamsungGalaxiA5¨ No existe un mejor lugar que la vida natural para esclarecer y despejar la mente

Source: Family Álbum

¨Tolhuin¨:  is the best place to visit if you are going through something that requires a little peace of mind, a place away from all civilization with many beautiful places to visit, there is a well-known lake the ¨lago¨ ¨Fagnano¨:  a natural beauty that is impossible not to visit if you are there. Iván is making the most of his days off, he visited his friends and toured the city to take these beautiful shots with his phone ¨SamsungGalaxiA5¨ There is no better place than natural life to clarify and clear the mind


Source:  vimeo-free-videos


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Hi there José and great to hear that you are alive with nature, sorry about the troubles that your son has gone through, and still is going through, I hope that he can find a good way to support his family without being away from them too much, enjoy your weekend and stay !ALIVE

How are you dear friend @flaxz.alive good day
Thank you very much for your kind words, you are very kind
have a beautiful sunday

Enjoy your Sunday as well José.


@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @flaxz.alive. (1/30)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

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Aaaw what a beautiful place to meditate my dear friend @jlufer 🎶☺️🤗 indeed this place calms down and is a great energetic spot to refresh the own energies. Hope you had a great time there 🙏🏼 Tolhuin is the name? Nice, the sea view seems amazing. I couldn't live with the ocean. Water is most important to me.

By reading the story of your son I had to remember a "karma" story about a farmer and his son and family. If you like to read it, someone wrote it here:

Have a great day my friend.

Hello dear friend @akida good day
Yes, Tolhuin is the name of the place, a dream place to rest and clear the mind
I wholeheartedly appreciate you sharing this information, I'm going to stop by. Thank you
enjoy the weekend

Dear friend @jlufer, so sorry to read about your son's life issues! He seems to be so young and has so much behind him. I hope everything goes smoothly and of course, he has chosen the best way to relax in this wonderful place. 😊
Have a wonderful weekend!

how are you dear friend @soulsdetour
He is a young person, with a lot ahead of him
There is no better place than nature to take refuge and heal the things that one lives daily
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit.

Hi @jlufer, thank you for sharing with us this very personal story! We sincerely hope that things will get better and in order in your son's life.
We initially thought you were writing about yourself after seeing pictures of a person taking selfies. Are photos taken by other people allowed to be used on Hive? We are not aware of that. Anyway, we prefer to see photos taken by the author of the post in our community. Please take a look at the rules again.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Hello dear friends @colmena-122727 good day
Thank you very much for your empathy and your kind words.
I'm sorry I don't abide by the community rules
Have a beautiful Sunday everyone