beautiful red flowers

in Photographylast month

These photos were taken in September last year. A whole year they had to wait to be finally edited and published. Why now? Because we survived summer! And even though the temperatures are still a bit high (especially in Poland - very unusual to have 30 degrees C in September), the evenings are cooler, the wind is fresher, and it generally feels nicer.

To me, September means the start of autumn! Yay :D


I went for a quick walk after a rainy day. The sky cleared up, and I was lucky to get some sunset shots too. But I was mostly aiming for some nice fresh colours and waterdrops.

The Hops are quite a common thing to see around. Hanging from the fences, crawling up on the trees... A terrible weed if you don't need them to brew beer.


From a person who is not active on Hive anymore (and was a main reason I joined 7 years ago), I learned that young shoots are edible. I have no idea what they taste like though. I probably wouldn't even know something is a hop shoot even if I saw it :p

See how they took over a nearby tree?


It was slowly climbing on the Common Hawthorn, but with the winter around the corner, it will not manage. It will dry up and start the journey all over again next spring.

The fruits of the hawthorn are edible and look like tiny little apples.


The blueberries... I have no idea what those are. They were growing in the mess between the hawthorn, wild roses, and some other weeds. Pretty things though.

And of course we have to have something yellow... This is Common Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) which blooms at this time of the year with these bright yellow flowers. It is a herb with quite some properties. Google will tell you more if you are interested.

And we will finish up with something dry. Because this is how it all will end (and because I like the bokeh here).