For me, I think passion is that intense emotion or force I feel that compels me to pursue something with dedication and consistency.
One of the things am passionate about is mentoring young girls. Mentoring provides me with the platform to inspire, equip, nurture, mold, shape, and groom the minds of the young ladies under my tutelage. Through mentorship, I have been able to ignite within them an undying zeal to pursue their dreams and life's visions.
Being a mentor comes with its own demands, the first of which is that your life becomes a pattern for those being mentored by you to live theirs after. Your protege is prone to replicate anything and everything they see you do. This is because, as a mentor, your life becomes an image for them to mirror. Many mentors are either ignorant of this or unconscious of this very fact, and it is a great disservice to the protege under their watch.
Another demand of mentorship is that the mentor be deliberate about the overall growth and development of the protege. Gone are those days where mentors only focused on one aspect of the protege's life and ignored the others. This is the reason for the lopsided and imbalanced growth of many proteges. As a mentor, I am committed to seeing my protégés grow personally, academically, financially, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc. As tasking as this may seem, it is the burden of mentorship, and it must be borne.
Mentors are selfless, as they could literally put their lives on hold to fix the lives of someone else. This I know experientially, as I have, on several occasions, had to leave what I was doing to attend to a protege's need. This could be quite an inconvenience, as it could come at moments when you just need to zone out and attend to your personal needs, but it's a passion, and that is where the sacrifice comes in.
Mentors are selfless, as they could literally put their lives on hold to fix the lives of someone else. This I know experientially, as I have, on several occasions, had to leave what I was doing to attend to a protege's need. This could be quite an inconvenience, as it could come at moments when you just need to zone out and attend to your personal needs, but it's a passion, and that is where the sacrifice comes in.