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RE: QC Community Weekly Contest #87 [ENG/ESP]

in QC Community6 months ago

I'm not from the state of flooded cities, but much of the country is raining a lot. Yesterday was rainy and internet signals were very unstable. Today it started raining, but the signal returned, it's horrible, but at least I have access. I'll try to make my post on Sunday.

The bad thing about leaving it until the last day is that, the unforeseen events.

Unexpected and unforeseen situations were once one of his weekly challenges. Coincidences of life.


I'm glad that your city is ok. And is it normal for it to rain so much at this time of year?

We are approaching the winter period, the month of June will be rainy. The coldest period of the year in the region where I live.

The current rains were unexpected.

It's the month where we can take the opportunity to use the raincoats that are stored and hidden in the wardrobe.