Frog Packs! .. Of Battle Frog Card Game

in Hive General2 months ago

Frog packs of frog cards hab a market now!


No.. no you can not buy them yet. This is da private test market. Getting closer though! Price hidden.. ..cause me froggie unsure wut price may be fer deez at dis point. Limited amount of packs and cards at dis point available to few test players. They hab and will hab sum value. Fer da few dat may be interested may make offers here or message "in game" where we kan message as frens privately. Otherwise shall see wut market is fer da packs and cards. Better cards hab value due to scarcity. Also if one want to level up other cards that they hab. Me froggie hab a whole bunch of deez early packs. And also so many single frog cards. Six packs on da market at a higher price fer meow. Can always go lower and may at sum point. Unless they are wanted to price listed. So we may see where price discovery takes us at dis tiem. Hab been buying up sum of da single cards too. So hab a collection of cards that can be made available to our early testers. Thank you very much to them. Much of wut da game will be hab been built and tested. Wit da latest being the pack market.

Deez early frog packs may be worth XXXX VOLTs (X.XXX HBD). Time will tell. May open packs to get moar single cards if single cards sell. Think dis' will habbens moar with open release. Think we're all habby wit cards we got from our initial ten packs limited release. Dis was done at first to gib everyone a fair chance to get sum packs to try out da game. Look'n forward to (being able to) invite everyone to come play wit us!

Feels Good Man!


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It is just DAY ONE for the FROG PACK MARKET and already we have seen some selling and buying. Thanks to everyone testing this trading card game!

Feels Good Man


Feels good man! !ALIVE !BBH

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It's sounding good! I can't wait! 😁🙏💚✨🤙