Opening Rising Star packs and giveaway #2 (End 25/04 00:00 UTC) [Esp/Eng]

in Hive NFTGame Latino6 months ago

Imagen elaborada en Canva / Image created in Canva


This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to english by clicking HERE

Hola, comunidad de #RisingStar y #nftgamela. Una nueva apertura de packs, serán 60 en esta ocasión. Serán menos, para poder acumular starbits para inicios del próximo mes y abrir 120.

Estoy en la posición en el 109 en el ranking. Al recibir las cartas he llegado al puesto 106.

Les comparto mis estadísticas antes y después de abrir los 60 packs. A en skill estoy usando el de las cartas y el de las misiones por separado. En comparación al anterior post, mis estadísticas son diferentes, ya que combine algunas cartas.

Tenía un total de 9,648 cartas (1,066 cartas únicas), pasando a tener 9,828 cartas (1,066 cartas únicas). Como pueden ver, no obtuve cartas únicas, solo aumente el número de copias y los stats.

Skill From cards259,159262,2743,115
Skill From lessons1,799,906--

La cantidad de fans y skill fue menor de lo que esperaba, pero esto no limitara mi crecimiento en Rising.

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de ver este video, de igual forma muchísimas gracias a los que me apoyen con su voto o su comentario.

Anuncio del sorteo

5 ganadores de 20,000 Starbits

  • Comenten "Apple".

  • Todo el mundo está invitado a participar. El sorteo se realizará el 25/04 las 00:00 UTC y el ganador se anunciarán en el siguiente post o video.

  • El ganador será elegido por una de las siguientes herramientas Picker o roulette

  • 🍀🍀🍀 Así que ¡suerte a todos los que quieran participar!🍀🍀🍀


  • No es necesario seguirme para ser incluido, pero el apoyo es bienvenido.

  • ⬆️ Upvotes, 📢 Reblogs y 💸 Tips NO son obligatorios en absoluto, ¡pero te estaré muy agradecido si se realizan!

  • Propina en 🍕 #PIZZA, 💖 #LUV, 😁 #LOLZ, 🦴 #HUESO es especialmente bienvenida y muy probablemente sea devuelto el gesto.


@vaynard86, @alicia2022, @daethical, @henruc y @josevall901

Gracias a todos por participar


Puedes leer este post en Español dando clic aquí HERE

Hello, #RisingStar and #nftgamela community. There will be a new pack opening, this time 60 packs. It will be fewer to be able to accumulate starbits for the beginning of next month and open 120.

I am currently at position 109 in the ranking. Upon receiving the cards, I reached position 106.

I share with you my statistics before and after opening the 60 packs. In skill, I am using the one from the cards and the one from the missions separately. Compared to the previous post, my statistics are different, as I combined some cards.

I had a total of 9,648 cards (1,066 unique cards), now I have 9,828 cards (1,066 unique cards). As you can see, I didn't get unique cards, I only increased the number of copies and the stats.

Skill From cards259,159262,2743,115
Skill From lessons1,799,906--

The amount of fans and skill was lower than expected, but this will not limit my growth in Rising.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, and thank you very much to those who support me with their vote or comment.

Giveaway Announcement

5 winners of 20,000 Starbits

  • Comment "Apple".

  • Everyone is invited to participate. The giveaway will take place on 04/25 at 00:00 UTC, and the winners will be announced in the following post or video.

  • The winner will be chosen by one of the following tools: Picker or roulette

  • 🍀🍀🍀 So, good luck to everyone who wants to participate! 🍀🍀🍀


  • It's not necessary to follow me to be included, but support is welcome.
  • ⬆️ Upvotes, 📢 Reblogs, and 💸 Tips are not mandatory at all, but I will be very grateful if they are given!
  • Tips in 🍕 #PIZZA, 💖 #LUV, 😁 #LOLZ, 🦴 #HUESO are especially welcome and likely to be returned.


@vaynard86, @alicia2022, @daethical, @henruc and @josevall901

Thank you all for participating

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leerme.
Imágenes obtenidas del discord de RisingStar y
NFTGame Latino.
Imagen de la miniatura, intro y outro elaborado en Canva.
Grabado con OBS Studio.
Editado en Kdenlive Studio y Audacity.
Música de fondo de Z8phyR
Traducido en la herramienta Hive Translator

Thank you for taking the time to read me.
Images obtained from the discord of RisingStar
and NFTGame Latino.
Thumbnail image, intro and outro made in Canva.
Edited in Kdenlive Studio and Audacity.
Edited in Kdenlive .
Background music from Z8phyR

Translated in the tool Hive Translator


Count me in please




Wowww @freed99 ! Gracias pro el premio. Y felicitaciones por tu posición en Rising Star!!
Es genial.
Participo nuevamente: "Apple"
Éxito para todos!!


Hola Alicia, felicitaciones. Van unos huesitos y un trozo de pizza de regreso. !HUESO 🦴 !PIZZA🍕

Greetings from the Virtual World Community. We send you Hueso token to support your work.
Click on this banner, to be directed to the Virtual World Discord and learn more about the curation project.

Uses: 3/4

Greetings from the Virtual World Community. We send you Hueso token to support your work.
Click on this banner, to be directed to the Virtual World Discord and learn more about the curation project.

Uses: 3/4


$PIZZA slices delivered:
alicia2022 tipped freed99
freed99 tipped morenow
@vaynard86(1/15) tipped @freed99
freed99 tipped alicia2022

I am in

Hi, you forgot to write the word to participate. Check the post. !LOLZ😂

What does a CIA agent do when it's time for bed?
He goes under cover.

Credit: marshmellowman
@supriya.gupta, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99




Me anoto Bro, saludos y espero que pronto saques alguna legendaria. "Apple"

Hola, si espero sacar otra. Ojalá salga una cuando abra los 120 sobres, porque pasaré a tener más de 10k cartas y sería estupendo que saliera en ese momento. !PIZZA 🍕

Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86
!Gif thank you

I can always tell if someone is lying just by looking at them.
I can also tell if they’re standing.

Credit: reddit
@freed99, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vaynard86



Hi, you forgot to write the word to participate. Check the post. !LOLZ😂

Seagulls were God's third attempt at creating birds.
The A-gull and B-gull weren't quite right.

Credit: reddit
@vaynard86, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99


Count me in please @oskarl21

Congrats @vaynard86 , @alicia2022 , @daethical , @henruc , @josevall901
Please add me again.
@middle-earthling 🍺🍕☕

You are out of jokes for the day!

@middle-earthling you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 6 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

Hi, you forgot to write the word to participate. Check the post. !LOLZ😂

Why did the alcoholic go to the doctors office?
Because he thought there would be shots.

Credit: reddit
@middle-earthling, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Count me in my ign : @rtonline
Good luck to you all.

Hi, you forgot to write the word to participate. Check the post. !LOLZ😂

If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

Credit: reddit
@rtonline, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freed99

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Thank you for sharing! APPLE
IGN @buzzking