Learning about things that are already half old [ESP][ENG]

in Catarsis6 months ago

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Aprendiendo sobre cosas ya medio viejona

Hola Hola

Es increible ver a tu alrededor tanta gente que sabe hacer cosas como mantener un baño bien limpio o blanquear/demanchar ropa.

Yo no naci con ese don, sin embargo me htocado aprender.

Es increíble como las habilidades de las personas son puntuales, porque lo que yo sé hacer con tecnología, la señora que me compra intermet tiene whatsapp pero no lee mensajes.

Estoy rodeada de mujeres orgullosas de saber lavar y mantener un hogar limpio, eso hace que yo me dedique más a aprender, pero ¿saben qué?

Esas mujeres no saben lo que yo sé, lo que yo estudie, lo que yo vivi. Tuve la dicha de tener a alguien que siempre me cuidó y si no fuera porque yo me salí de su nido, todavia me cuidara.

No, esa persona no era mi mamá. Era mi nana.

He tenido que aprender ablanquear un traje blanco de karate, uniforme de colegio y a pesar de mi gran esfuerzo, nunca logro ponerlos blanco como me gustaria.

No logro entrar al baño con tantas ganas como lo pienso en mi cabeza a quitarle esa mancha que yo solo veo y creo que puedo combatir pero no pasa mucho rato cuando desisto de hacerlo.

Mejor me quedo con mi tecnología y contrato a alguien que me atienda mi hogar de vez en cuando y haga esas cosas que yo no, genero empleo y alguien más le lleva a casa a sus hijos algo de comida.

No puedo ser la mujer perfecta, mil disculpas. Incluye ahi que no cocino.

Feliz domingo.


Learning about things that are already half old

Hello hello

It's incredible to see so many people around you who know how to do things like keep a bathroom clean or bleach/stain clothes.

I was not born with that gift, however I had to learn.

It's incredible how punctual people's skills are, because what I know how to do with technology, the lady who buys internet from me has WhatsApp but doesn't read messages.

I am surrounded by women who are proud of knowing how to wash and keep a clean home, that makes me more dedicated to learning, but you know what?

Those women don't know what I know, what I studied, what I lived. I was blessed to have someone who always took care of me and if it weren't for me leaving his nest, he would still take care of me.

No, that person was not my mother. It was my nanny.

I have had to learn how to whiten a white karate suit, school uniform, and despite my great efforts, I never manage to make them white as I would like.

I can't get into the bathroom as eager as I think in my head to remove that stain that I only see and think I can fight, but it doesn't take long before I give up doing it.

I better stay with my technology and hire someone to take care of my home from time to time and do those things that I don't, I generate employment and someone else brings home some food for their children.

I can't be the perfect woman, sorry. Includes there that I don't cook.

Happy Sunday.

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Fotos Redmi Note 9S


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Hehehehe it's always wonderful to learn....no matter the age but curiosity!!!! I'm glad you have it!!! Thanks for sharing this experience and reflection.

Jejeje siempre es maravilloso aprender....no importa la edad sino la curiosidad!! Me alegra que tú la tengas!! Gracias por compartir esta experiencia y reflexión.