It really hetic for all students today from 8:am till 1:pm. We have been doing theory on Phytotherapy but today was all about pratical. Name a plant, shrubs and herbs of your choice. Botanical, English and vernacular names and it's uses. You is very easy name plants but when it comes to medicinal or active ingredients in that plant that makes the plant to treat a particular health challenge, the story is different.😆 At a point, we used laptop, phone and planet app to help ourselves out.
The Sun is shining and the snow are blistering why it’s gonna be a lovely day! It’s not often it’s just around free simple part in this beautiful weather without any wind so I got enjoy the day smash as I can until I have to go to work again.
If you can just stop explaining how you are living your life to people and do just what works for you will find life to be so simple and easier because the energy you are using to explain yourself can be use for something that can make you great.
Today I built (with a kit) a firetruck for my youngest son. We have several of these kits and daddy did the first one. It was fun for me to hammer in all the nails and attach the stickers, but the best part was giving it to my son!
We have had some heavy snow in the last days and temperatures have dropped to -10 in the night which has been pretty cold compared to the mild winter we have had so far.
With that in mind, we decided to head to the nearby mountains with some slopes for sledging.
Image by Rene Gossner from Pixabay