in ThoughtfulDailyPost9 months ago



The strength of optimism cannot be measured by the venom of pessimism irrespective of who's involved. Many people have dissipated the fact that words are powerful but to some extent, we are still captivated by the things we say. I have learnt the world is controlled by our spoken word. From Igbo land where I originated, we strongly believe in words which is why the father of a family will always call his children and bless them believing his words will count in their lives.

However, I have learnt through experience to be positive over everything because there's nothing impossible to an optimist even if he fails, he has it as an experience until he wins. I could vividly remember my university days when I sat for one of the toughest exams in my department, econometrics to be precise. Although I read before the exam, I was like; I never wrote as expected but I can't fail either no matter what. However, I was stunned at the incredible performance in that exam when the result came out but in sincerity, I strongly believe in being hard working rather than relying on fate although some people may get controversial over this.

Most people will accredit being positive to faith and religion but it's not because most religious people aren't positive and faithful. People's ingenuity over being positive should be paramount at all phases of life engagement. Well, most times we accredit certain things to nature and forces beyond human control which I believe that certain things occur as a result of unforeseen supernatural powers or nature per say.

For instance, although it's apocryphal as the story goes that a crewman who was interrogated by Mrs Sylvia Caldwell concerning the strength of the Titanic ship against sinking in the ocean, it was further believed that he responded not even God can do that which afterward the ship sank in the Atlantic ocean after hitting an iceberg on April 14th, 1912. Well whether the story is true or not we would all believe that certain events happened as a result of unseen forces we can't question but this doesn't dissipate the fact of being positive always.

The underscore here is keeping positive over everything even if the situation looks impossible. I could recall the last words of Martin Luther King Jr. When he addressed his supporters in Memphis at Mason temple on April 3rd, 1968. Stating:

.....And I've looked over. And I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. Source

The issue I have with King isn't about his style of activist although being visionary but his pessimism that he may not get into the promised land with the people and consequent to this, he was murdered the same night. This suggests that we have to always keep positive irrespective of what the situation is, keeping in mind that words are powerful and positivity knows no bounds.

We must keep in mind that Life is full of issues, challenges, fracas and irrelevant opprobrium but being positive will guide us in overcoming those issues because problems as we know are part of Life as this stands an irrefutable philosophy. Consequently, I could remember a time around 2015 when a had a severe growth on my neck, my people suggested we go and see a doctor but I told them I'm not seeing any doctor for this but sincerely I never knew what to do but was only able to pray asking God to heal me although it wasn't all about prayer but I also believed that I wouldn't go through any surgery. However, it never took long in same year as the growth disappeared which called my attention that words are powerful and one must be positive before he could conquer.

In conclusion, It is noteworthy there is no super human anywhere in the world. Hence, all men are created equally but our recognition that life and it's concerns can only be shaped by a spoken word will guarantees an indisputable success that would resona all through our existence over here. Thank you for going through and do enjoy the new year as it has a lot of goodies to offer.