in ThoughtfulDailyPost9 months ago (edited)

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want".
(PSALM 23)

I don't know about anyone else, but to me there ooze some sort of confidence especially when you say this out loud to yourself.

You know for someone whose not a Christian, this verse came very handy for me in my most trying times. Goes to show that all religious bodies irrespective of doctrine has one driving force and energy, of which anyone and anybody can connect for whatever purpose they desire, without being actual members of the religious organization.

Not many people know the usefulness of the Psalm 23 verse in the Bible. I say this because any little shake most of them get devastated, running helter skelter from one Spiritual organization to the other thus falling prey to Con artist and Spiritual predators.

While we cannot excuse the fact of choice, there is coming to the realization that you are created in the image and likeness of God, meaning you are energy in its pure form, it becomes clear to note that the Bible is a medium of which energy or power is directed to wherever you want it to be and for whatever purpose you want it to achieve or accomplish for you. You don't need anybody to pray for you because you can do that yourself and achieve tremendous result.

It is also worthy to note that aside the Bible, we have several other Spiritual books from other Sect/Religious organizations, that act as mediums to aid the manifestations of thought.

While most of these Spiritual books are not readily available or easily accessible, we have the Bible which happens to be the most available plus easily accessible of them all and this doesn't impede it's spiritual benefits in anyway. I find it really fascinating because I always thought that the more concealed and conserved, the more powerful or sacred but this is not so for the Bible. Despite it being too available and not even in its original state, it's essence is still very much preserved and intact, containing some of the most powerful mantras in the existence of humanity. There are so many powerful mantras in the form of verses in the bible but psalm 23 is my favorite. It reminds me that I do not walk alone and I can overcome anything for I am a survivor, surviving and living life in various forms and to it’s fullest.

Psalm 23 talks about our darkest moment reminding us that in these darkest moment we become our best and a better version. While we might want to feel alone, it helps to recite this mantra for it brings the knowingness that in the darkest of night we have the stars that shines the brightest.

Planet earth is not a resting place and at all times we are being challenged to improve, do better and upgrade else we become obsolete.

How do we fight back and how do we overcome?

Kindly click the link below for an excerpt from Psalm 23 or follow them up from my analysis below

“1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”

“2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.”

I have come to the Realization that there is a Supreme being whom despite our different knowledge and background about life, we know It's in charge of creation and all human activities, It has provided all that we need to survive in our various environment all what we need to do is like the radio set, tune in and bring forth something that reflects a source of livelihood and as long as you are creative and you work, you will adequately be provided for all your needs and you will not want. That is not to say that like the time of abundance, there won't be a time of famine but by constantly tuning in and listening, we will get to a better frequency that lifts us above the despair that we are currently feeling at that particular state of consciousness. Again, Similarly, like the radio set where sometimes there might be signals and other times it disappears, we get better signals by constantly searching through the various radio frequencies.

”3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.”

It is widely believed by many that we are here in this physical plane, on planet earth to learn, I like to think of the world as a school and a learning ground for our higher self. The human soul is the only essence inhibiting earth that has the freedom of choice and the concept of consequences. It is this consequences that checkmates human activities otherwise life will be more chaotic than what we have to put up with.
The law of karma and retribution purifies the soul making it worthy to thread the path of light which is that of the Supreme Deity.

“4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

This is my favorite part, developing the knowingness that wherever you walk, the most high walks with you and there is nothing to fear for the saying goes “if God is for us, who can be against us?” Source
no one and I mean ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!

”5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over".

Enemies? who are enemies? If you ask me, enemies are our biggest motivation for living and survival some of us just don't realise this. Enemies are one of the major reason why we constantly strive to do better because no one would want to be defeated in this stimulator called life and the moment one realize this fact about the so called enemies, the light of God begins to flow in and we tend to see things very differently, we become Victors and tackle life from a winning angle. We become more open to receiving the blessings of God at its fullest.

”6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

Like my mother will always rightly say as some sort of consolation to anyone in grief, life is a market place and everyone is buying whoever gets done buying goes home. In my own interpretation we are here on this physical planet to learn to be conscious coworkers with God. We go through the challenges, the obstacles and the trying times to reveal a more refined nature of ourselves that is worthy to be in the presence of the Most high.

I hope Psalm 23 soothes you as much as it did me.
Thank you for reading.

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