Hola amigos de la comunidad, espero que todo marche genial por acá!! Hoy quiero contarles un poco sobre lo MEGA emocionada que estoy, ya que por fin despues de mas de 6 meses sin lavadora, la tengo activa nuevamente 😍 Dios mio y debo decir que no hay NADA que me de mas miedo que volver a quedarme sin lavadora jajaja fueron 6 meses muy rudos, para ponerlos en contexto, en el 2021 compramos una lavadora automática de 15kg, por cierto, gracias a Hive 🥰 despues de un muy buen ahorro la compramos, usada, pero segun en muy buen estado y nunca antes reparada! Cosa que era mentira y nos dimos cuenta hasta el año pasado cuando se dañó, y el tecnico la revisó dijo que ya habia sido reparada.
Hi friends of the community, I hope everything is going great here!!! Today I want to tell you a little bit about how MEGA excited I am, because finally after more than 6 months without a washing machine, I have it active again 😍 My God and I must say that there is NOTHING that scares me more than being without a washing machine again hahaha it was 6 very rough months, to put them in context, in 2021 we bought a 15kg autonatic washing machine, by the way, thanks to Hive 🥰 after a very good saving we bought it, used, but according to them it was in very good condition and it had been repaired before! Which was a lie and we realized until last year when it was damaged, and the technician checked it and said it had already been repaired.
Pero bueno en ese momento el nos anotó todo lo que debiamos comprar y eso mas la mano de obra daban unos 70$ y desde ese entonces no es que no los hayamos tenido, sino que siempre se atravesaba algo, siempre habia algo mas que pagar y asi fuimos posponiendo, hasta que dije NO MAS, tenemos que arreglar la lavadora, lavar a mano es horrible 🥵 no se lo deseo ni a mi peor enemiga (mi suegra) 🤣🤣🤣
But well at that time he wrote down everything we had to buy and that plus labor gave us about $70 and since then it is not that we have not had them, but there was always something else to pay and so we kept postponing, until I said NO MORE, we have to fix the washing machine, washing by hand is horrible 🥵 I do not wish it even to my worst enemy (my mother in law) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.
El tecnico nos dijo que tenia que cambiar muchas cosas para que quedara del todo bien, que fueramos comprando poco a poco pero como nunca lo hicimos, aproveché que tenia todo el dinero y fuí y lo compré todo de una vez, y aunque todo estaba mucho mas caro de lo que me dijo el tecnico, igual lo compré!!
The technician told us that he had to change many things to make it look good, that we should buy little by little but as we never did it, I took advantage that I had all the money and I went and bought everything at once, and although everything was much more expensive than what the technician told me, I still bought it!
El se llevó la lavadora el dia miercoles y despues de desarmarla en la noche me mandó la foto de otras cosas que faltaban, el se encargó de comprarlas
He took the washing machine on Wednesday and after disassembling it in the evening he sent me a picture of the other things that were missing, he took care of buying them.
El jueves en la tarde ya estaba todo listo, me envió fotos de mi lavadora lista y super limpia por debajo y yo mas que FELIZ 😍
Thursday afternoon everything was ready, he sent me pictures of my washing machine ready and super clean underneath and I was more than HAPPY 😍.
En la noche ya la tenia en casa, probandola y hasta la fecha todo a funcionado PERFECTO como espero que continue y desde entonces puedo decir que soy INMEMSAMENTE FELIZ jeje y les digo que la etapa de arreglar su lavadora no se la salten jeje 🥰
In the evening I had it at home, testing it and so far everything has worked PERFECT as I hope it will continue and since then I can say that I am IMMEMSELY HAPPY hehe and I tell you that the stage of fixing your washing machine do not skip it hehe 🥰.
Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en PicsArt
Photos of my property
Cover edited in PicsArt