in Stars7 months ago

There are habits that must be comb if one want to be successful in life. I realised that the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is certain habits. Our habits have impact in our daily lives. I will share the habits of unsuccessful people who never moved forward in life. You can identify this and make amends where necessary and move forward. These kind of habits can sabotage people's possibility for success.

1 The first habit that unsuccessful people have is that they don't take risk.

A successful people don't fear to take risk. One of the clear dichotomy between successful and unsuccessful people is the ability to take risk. The way unsuccessful people approach risk is bad. When you stay or abide in your comfort zone then you are not ready for a new thing. Calculated risk taking is part of the way of life because this will help an individual to grow and develop stamina to confront more challenges. It's not easy but is a pathway to advancement in life.
When you don't take risk, then don't expect any reward. In simple term "No risk no reward. You would have been better than where you are now if only you left that comfort zone and step forward. Don't be afraid of failure. The way to success life is a way of risk taking. Don't avoid risk if not, you will remain unsuccessful.

2 Another unsuccessful habit that limit advancement in life is procrastination.

This is like a dangerous virus. I have written a lot on procrastination but I never saw it this way. Unsuccessful people are always stuck in a den of I will do it tomorrow hmmmm it's quite unfortunate the tomorrow hasn't yet come. Tasks are accumulated and with time they become stucked and overwhelmed or stagnant in a place. sometimes last week, There was a task I needed to have done but couldn't do it till now. I kept shifting it. As I type this, I have resolved to repent from this act of procrastination. If you notice the habit of pushing task constantly to the next day hmmmm kindly desist from such because it will ruin your life. Say no to procrastination today.

3 The third habit that I would like to share is that unsuccessful people don't set a defined goal.

If your goal is not defined, you'll chase after everything just like a leaf blown by the wind and moves in random direction. Do you know where you are going? Can you picture it? Successful people have a defined goal and know where they are going unlike unsuccessful people don't have clarity, sometimes their dreams or wishes are vague because no concrete goals. You can't advance in life if you don't have a clear goal. Please set up goals that are specific, measurable, Attainable, Reliable and bounded by time.

4 Unsuccessful people don't learn from their mistakes.

*Mistakes are inevitable and mistake builds one for better output and also they are spring board for learning and perfection. The difference between successful people people and unsuccessful people one is their response to mistakes. Unsuccessful people always like dwelling in their mistakes which affects their productivity and efficiency. It also creates low self esteem and lack of confidence. Don't allow your mistakes to cage you but let it be part of learning process.

5 I noticed that Unsuccessful people Blame others for their failures.

You can easily point fingers when things go wrong and blame others. When you blame others for your failures, it won't take you anywhere rather it will be just an excuse. Learn to take responsibility for your actions. If you messed up, please learn to accept it and learn from it. Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by too many excuses because it will limit your growth in life and be unsuccessful.

6 The last but not the least habit unsuccessful people display is that they lack good time management

The greatest assets is time and everyone is given time depending on how you utilise it. Unsuccessful people easily let time slip out of their hands. They don't control their day instead the day controls them. Every one has 24hours, 1,440 minutes. What do you do within this time matters a lot. Time can't easily be regained once gone. Successful people make good use of time to achieve their objectives with devoid of distraction. Any time wasted is also opportunity wasted please value your time and use it wisely.

see you at the top


Procrastinating is the real enemy of man
Thanks for sharing


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