in Stars9 months ago

picture mine

Right from the creation of the earth, man has been made with the free will to take certain decisions. Every human being has the capacity to decide and choose whatever that is suitable.
In life, we are product of any choice we make. If it's positive, you live to enjoy it and if it's negative you face the consequences.

There is a time in everyone's life where critical decisions are required for one to take. In this Post, I would share some life situations where choice has to be made. I will also share some vital points that could help one to take or make best choice.

During my secondary school days, I was confronted with the challenge to choose the kind of subjects that was suitable for me to read. This was a difficult situation for me because my performance in social sciences had pure science were quite encouraging. I became almost the leader in book keeping and commerce but there was still this mindset I had of becoming a scientist. Therefore no matter the high grades I saw in non science subjects there wasn't so much motivation. Later during my senior class, I migrated to the science class. I met calibre of students that were far better than me. I never knew I would cope with them because they were more intelligent than me. God really helped me and I scale through finally.

Today, I am grateful and proud to be a chemist. I have no regret over this decision I made. I have been working consistently to see how I can develop myself and channel all efforts towards the success of the decision or choice I made.

Tips for good choice making

Don't consider other first but yourself because whatever that happened you would bear the consequences.

Be optimistic and consist walking in line with the choice made.

Get a mentor for guidance.

Thanks for reading through.