Un dia De Paseo y Compras Familiares😍 || A day of family outings and shopping😍.

in Family & Friends5 months ago

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Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends feliz domingo!! Espero que esten disfrutando de su fin de semana, por acá gracias a Dios salimos de la rutina jeje, hace algun tiempo que no saliamos con los niños al centro comercial, y ayer sabado por fin lo hicimos, los planes principales eran dar un paseo, comernos quizas un heladito y regresar a casa, pero todo salió mejor de lo planeado, ya que la noche anterior, estando en instagram me salió una publicidad de que Traki tenia 60% de descuento en el departamento de niños, y sin dudarlo dije "Hay que ir" ya que a los niños todo les está quedando chiquito, se estan estirando muy rapido o la ropa se encoge en la lavadora, no se como es la cosa 😂😂 pero bueno el caso es que habia que comprarle algunas cosas asi que el sabado nos levantamos tipo 8am, hice el desayuno, nos alistamos a las 10:30am ya el taxista de confianza estaba llegando por nosotros, por supuesto antes de salir me tomé unas selfies con los chiquis 🥰

Hello friends of #Familyandfriends, happy Sunday! I hope you are enjoying your weekend, here thanks God we got out of the routine hehe, it's been a while since we went out with the kids to the mall, and yesterday Saturday we finally did, the main plans were to take a walk, eat maybe an ice cream and return home, but everything went better than planned, since the night before, being on instagram I saw an advertisement that Traki had 60% discount in the children's department, and without hesitation I said "We must go" because the kids are outgrowing everything, they are stretching very fast or the clothes shrink in the washing machine, I do not know how it is 😂😂 but well the case is that we had to buy some things so on Saturday we got up about 8am, I made breakfast, we got ready at 10: 30am and the trusted cab driver was already arriving for us, of course before leaving I took some selfies with the chiquis 🥰.


Llegamos a la cascada y la mas Emocionada era Emita jajaja pero andaba rebelde tambien, no queria que le agarraramos la mano 🙃🙃 solo con Chris se dejaba, en varias oportunidades hubo que hablarle fuerte oara que hiciera caso, porque estaba intensa😂😂

We arrived at the waterfall and the most excited was Emita hahaha but she was also rebellious, she didn't want us to hold her hand 🙃🙃 only with Chris she would let us, several times we had to talk to her loudly to make her listen, because she was intense😂


Pero bueno, comenzamos a ver las tiendas que estan dentro del centro comercial, nos dimos cuenta que iba a haber un acto como de Danza, estaba todo preparado pero bueno nosotros seguimos nuestro camino. Entramos en Mundo Total donde casi me salgo de mis planes iniciales😂😂 y me compro una freidora de aire jajaja es que estaban a muy buen precio, y ademas me enteré ayer del creditotal, una modalidad en la que puedes pagar el 50% del producto que desean adquirir, llevartelo a u hogar y el otro 50% lo pagaras en dos cuotas cada 15 dias, es decir un mes completo para pagarlo!! No es maravilloso? 😍 yo quedé Enamorada de una nevera y por supuesto mi freidora de aire, asi que no duden que iré por ellos 💪

But well, we started to see the stores that are inside the mall, we realized that there was going to be an act like Danza, it was all prepared but well we went on our way. We entered Mundo Total where I almost went out of my initial plans😂😂 and I bought an air fryer hahaha is that they were at a very good price, and also I found out yesterday of the creditotal, a modality in which you can pay 50% of the product you want to buy, take it to your home and the other 50% you pay in two installments every 15 days, ie a full month to pay! Isn't it wonderful? 😍 I fell in love with a fridge and of course my air fryer, so do not doubt that I will go for them 💪.



Ema y Chris estaban sube y baja esas escaleras como locos 🤣😂 la mejor forma de entretener a dos niños con mucha energia jajaja una señora me decia "no te da miedo que se vayan solitos" 😂 y yo le dije "Ay señora esos son mas pilas que nosotras dos juntas" jajaja y ella riendo me dijo que sera porque ella le tiene miedo a esas escaleras jajaja!! Y pues quizas si!! Pero bueno, el caso es que ahi quedamos enganchados con varias cosas, pero como fuimos a algo especifico seguimos nuestro camino hasta llegar a Traki

Ema and Chris were going up and down those stairs like crazy 🤣😂 the best way to entertain two energetic kids hahaha one lady was telling me "aren't you afraid they'll go by themselves" 😂 and I said "Oh lady those are more batteries than both of us together" hahaha and she laughed and told me that it's because she's afraid of those stairs hahaha! And maybe she is! But well, the thing is that there we were hooked with several things, but as we went to something specific we continued our way until we arrived to Traki.



Por supuesto llegué a uno de mis lugares felices 😂😂 el area de ropa de niños 😍😍 AMO comprarles ropa, es algo que me llena tanto jeje asi que me di vida buscando y armando conjunticos lindos, todos para estar en casa, fueron pocas las cositas de salir que les compramos,. Pero la verdad si aprovechamos el descuento, gastamos un total de 44$ y fueron muchas cositas porque habian bermudas para Chris hasta de 1.6$ de la tela sport que sin duda es ideal para estar en casa fresquito

Of course I arrived to one of my happy places 😂😂 the children's clothing area 😍😍 I LOVE buying clothes for them, it is something that fills me so much hehe so I gave me life looking and putting together cute outfits, all to be at home, there were few little things to go out that we bought for them,. But the truth is that we took advantage of the discount, we spent a total of $44 and there were many little things because there were shorts for Chris up to $1.6$ of sport fabric which is certainly ideal for being at home cool.


Alber trataba de controlar energia de Ema y Chris dandoles vuelta en el carrito mientras yo iba eleigiebdo las cosas y el solo decia "esta bonito, me gusta" 😂😂 hombres!!

Alber was trying to control Ema and Chris' energy by turning them around in the cart while I was picking things up and he was just saying "this is nice, I like it" 😂😂 men!!!!


A eso de las 2pm ya habia encontrado todo y luego de pagar nos fuimos a comer porque moriamos de hambre ok? Y habia una guerra entre pollo a la broaster o Arroz chino, pero como Chris tenia mucho tiempo sin comerlo y el ama el plato que trae pollo agridulce, decidimos complacerlo! Pedimos el combo de arroz frito con Costilla y pollo agridulce y el de arroz, cosilla y pollo teriyaki, pero este ultimo le tocó a mi esposo y al parecer estaba como viejo y le cayó muy mal, asi que despues de la comida le empezó a doler el estomago y se tuvo que tomar una soda

By 2pm we had found everything and after paying we went to eat because we were starving ok? And there was a war between chicken broaster or Chinese rice, but as Chris had not eaten it for a long time and he loves the dish with sweet and sour chicken, we decided to please him! We ordered the combo of fried rice with ribs and sweet and sour chicken, and the one with rice, chinese rice and teriyaki chicken, but this last one was my husband's turn and apparently he was a bit old and he got sick, so after the meal his stomach started to hurt and he had to drink a soda.


Luego de la comida y la digestión los niños quisieron montarse en el castillo, asi que hicimos el pago de 80bs por 15 minutos de juego, suficientes para que salieran de ahi super sudados, pero felices🥰 y eso es lo importante

After lunch and digestion the kids wanted to ride in the castle, so we made the payment of 80bs for 15 minutes of play, enough for them to get out of there super sweaty, but happy🥰 and that's the important thing.


Y para cerrar la tarde con broche de oro por supuesto bos comimos el heladito, solo pedimos dos barquillas porque Alber no comeria y yo aun estaba un poco llena, asi que fueron dos barquillas para los niños quienes ya habian bajado la comida saltando😂 obvio yo probé un poco de cada uno porque lambusia si soy😂

And to close the afternoon with a flourish of course bos we had the ice cream, we only ordered two ice cream bars because Alber wouldn't eat and I was still a little full, so it was two ice cream bars for the kids who had already eaten the food jumping😂 obviously I tried a little of each one because I am lambusia😂.



Pero bueno al final regresamos a casa contentos y felices despues de un paseo muy merecido que espero se repita pronto💓💓

But well in the end we returned home happy and content after a well deserved ride that I hope will be repeated soon💓💓.


Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en Canva

Photos of my property
Cover edited in Canva


Un día diferente es familia que lindo 😍

Que sabroso salir así ami, que bueno que aprovechaste el descuento al máximo, espero que pronto te puedas comprar tu freidora de aire 😊

Que rico salir de compra con nuestros pequeños, se ve que estaban felices disfrutando y sobre todo degustándose su barquilla y disfrutando del inflable.

Cómo me alegra leer que lo hayan pasado tan chévere y disfrutando todos juntos en familia, Mili!!! Espero que se repita estos momentos, estos respiros 💗🙏🏻
Un abrazote.💕

que bueno amiga que hayan pasado un buen momento en familia, a veces es dificil controlar los ninos en espacios que practicamente no son para ninos, pues ellos solo quieren diversion sin control jeje