Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends feliz lunes, inicio de una nueva semana, espero esten con todas las ganas y la actitud para tener una semana maravillosa!! Por acá andamos a "media maquina" jaja porque estoy casa de mis padres y aca la rutina cambia un poco, pero ya mas tarde regreso a casa Dios mediante y estaré al 100 en todo!! Pero bueno hoy vengo a contarles un poco lo que fue nuestro dia de las madres.
Hello friends of #Familyandfriends, happy Monday, start of a new week, I hope you are with all the desire and attitude to have a wonderful week! Here we are at "half machine" haha because I'm at my parents' house and here the routine changes a little, but later I'll be back home God willing and I'll be at 100 in everything! But well today I come to tell you a little bit about our mothers day.
Ayer bien temprano decidí venir a casa de mis padres ya que en mi casa no habian muchos planes jeje ademas cada año debo estar con mi mamá para celebrar el dia de las madres, espero que Dios me de la dicha de poder hacerlo muchisimos años mas💓
Yesterday early in the morning I decided to come to my parents' house because at home there were not many plans hehe besides every year I have to be with my mom to celebrate Mother's Day, I hope God gives me the joy of being able to do it many more years💓.
Por supuesto cada año intento darle un detalle y aunque este año todo se volvió cuesta arriba, pude comprarle una mini cake super linda, y el mismo dia de las madres fuí al centro a ver que le podia comprar y saben que?? primera y ultima vez jajaja que voy el mismo dia pues, aquello era UNA LOCURA total, y entre tanto desastre no podia ver nada, ay no, aquello era un desastre, pero bueno ya casi al estar por darme por vencida llegué a una tienda donde conseguí esta linda blusa que sin duda se parece a mi mamá jeje
Of course every year I try to give her a detail and although this year everything went uphill, I was able to buy her a super cute mini cake, and the same Mother's Day I went downtown to see what I could buy her and you know what? first and last time hahaha I go the same day, it was total CRAZY, and among so much mess I could not see anything, oh no, that was a disaster, but well, almost when I was about to give up I got to a store where I got this cute blouse that certainly looks like my mom hehe
Ademas de la blusa y la mini cake le compré un jarabe para la tos 😂😂 ya que tiene mucha tos desde hace dias 2 caramelos de jengibre para lo mismo jeje ya que no compré bolsa de regalo jurando que tenia una en casa y resulta que no, me tocó improvisar una bolsa y una tarjetica que huce con foami en forma de corazon jeje, poco pero con mucho amor🌹💓
In addition to the blouse and the mini cake I bought her a cough syrup 😂😂 since she has been coughing a lot for days 2 ginger candies for the same thing hehe because I did not buy a gift bag swearing that I had one at home and it turns out I did not, I had to improvise a bag and a card that I made with foami in the shape of a heart hehe, little but with love🌹💓
Luego que llegué del centro me fuí a casa de mis padres en un taxi con mis chiquis, quienes iban hermosisimos por cierto
After arriving from the center I went to my parents' house in a cab with my kids, who were beautiful by the way.
Ella no sabia que veniamos asi que fue una grata sorpresa, la conseguí muy feliz porque por fin despues de tantos tramites con los vecinos habian logrado colocarles el agua. Asi que estaba feliz porque ya no le iba a tocar cargar mas agua, asi que recibió el mejor de los regalos jaja aunque es resultado de su mismo esfuerzo junto a los vecinos, porque si se lo dejan al gobierno, termina seca esperando el agua, pero bueno ya eso es otro tema jajaja
She did not know we were coming so it was a pleasant surprise, I got her very happy because finally after so many procedures with the neighbors they had managed to put the water. So she was happy because she was not going to have to carry more water, so she received the best of gifts haha although it is the result of her own effort with the neighbors, because if they leave it to the government, she ends up dry waiting for the water, but that's another topic hahaha.
Mi Hermano y mi papá hicieron una parrilla que no estaba DIVINA 🤤🥰 Y como estabamos solo nosotros, mi hermano iba sacando la carne y el cochino y todos ibamos comiendo, asi que les debo la foto final del plato😂😂
My brother and my dad made a grill that was not DIVINE 🤤🥰 And since it was just us, my brother was taking out the meat and the pork and we were all eating, so I owe you the final photo of the dish😂😂
Comimos MUCHISIMO jeje y hasta quedó para llevarle a mi esposo 😂 asi que nuestro regalo fue llenarnos la panza 😂 gracias a Dios la disfrutamos mucho y pasamos el resto del dia dandole a la lengua y poniendonos al dia despues de tantos dias sin vernos, solo le pido a Dios que podamos compartir muchas veces mas asi de sabroso💓💓
We ate A LOT hehe and there was even enough left to take to my husband 😂 so our treat was to fill our bellies 😂 thank God we enjoyed it a lot and we spent the rest of the day giving the tongue and catching up after so many days without seeing each other, I just pray to God that we can share many more times this tasty💓💓💓
Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en Canva
Photos of my property
Cover edited in Canva