Fotos familiares con mi sobrina [Spa/Eng]

in Family & Friends2 months ago



Hola mi gente bella de @family-friends, un gusto saludarles y a la vez bendecirles en este bonito día en donde se celebra el día de la familia y aprovecho para contarles sobre esta experiencia que vivimos hace día con mi sobrina mayor, la que me hizo tía, hija de mi hermana Karen, quien está en el cielo.

Aurimar está en 5.º año de bachillerato y ahora se usa que antes de la graduación contratan un fotógrafo y todo un paquete de graduación para hacer de este momento tan importante algo memorable.

Como les digo hace días a mi sobrina le dijeron que tenía que ir con su familia a tomarse la foto familia, ella vive con su papá y su hermano, entonces nos invitó a mi mamá, mi hermana y a mí para este día especial.

Nos fuimos bien temprano, al llegar ya había cola en la calle, cada graduando con sus familiares. Al rato llego mi cuñado con su mamá.

Al pasar al estudio fotográfico, nos dijeron que no podíamos tomar fotos, que teníamos que esperar al final, que los graduandos saldrían con sus togas y birretes.

Nos tomaron muchas fotos y todo estaba precioso, hicimos hasta fotos graciosas y cargamos a mi sobrina, ella estaba muy feliz.

Le dije, menos mal que vine, porque si no se toman esas fotos aburridas, je, je, je. Lo malo fue que no nos dejaron tomar fotos a nosotros, así que tendremos que esperar a la graduación para ver la sesión de fotos familiares.

Todos teníamos compromisos laborales y teníamos que irnos. Había muchos graduandos esperando por sus fotos, así que no esperamos a que salieran los graduandos a tomarse fotos por la calle.

Me fui triste, por no quedarme acompañarla, ella quedó sola con sus compañeros. Luego en la tarde me muestra lo bien que lo pasaron, la verdad me dio mucha tristeza y también pensar en mi hermana, que no se hubiera perdido esa oportunidad por nada del mundo.

Espero que cuándo tenga las fotos oficiales poder compartirlas aquí en mi blog, para el recuerdo, mientras les dejo estás a través de @liketu, de las que pudimos tomar aquel día.

Me despido deseándole que hayan pasado un lindo Día de la familia, Dios les bendiga.


Family photos with my niece

Hello my beautiful people of @family-friends, a pleasure to greet you and at the same time bless you on this beautiful day where family day is celebrated and I take this opportunity to tell you about this experience we lived a day ago with my oldest niece, the one who made me an aunt, daughter of my sister Karen, who is in heaven.

Aurimar is in 5th year of high school and now it is used that before graduation they hire a photographer and a whole graduation package to make this important moment something memorable.

As I told you a few days ago my niece was told that she had to go with her family to take her family photo, she lives with her dad and brother, so she invited my mom, my sister and me for this special day.

We left very early, when we arrived there was already a line in the street, each graduating with their families. Soon my brother-in-law arrived with his mother.

When we went to the photo studio, they told us that we could not take pictures, that we had to wait until the end, that the graduates would come out with their caps and gowns.

They took a lot of pictures and everything was beautiful, we even took funny pictures and held my niece, she was very happy.

I told her, thank goodness I came, because if they don't take those boring pictures, heh, heh, heh. The bad thing was that they didn't let us take pictures, so we will have to wait until graduation to see the family photo session.

We all had work commitments and had to leave. There were a lot of graduates waiting for their pictures, so we didn't wait for the graduates to come out and have their pictures taken on the street.

I left sad that I didn't stay with her, she was left alone with her classmates. Later in the afternoon she showed me how much fun they had, the truth made me very sad and also to think of my sister, who would not have missed that opportunity for anything in the world.

I hope that when I have the official photos I can share them here on my blog, for the memory, while I leave you these through @liketu, of the ones we were able to take that day.

I say goodbye wishing you a nice family day, God bless you.


Fotos tomadas por | Photos taken by @leidimarc

Dispositivo | Device | Samsung Galaxy A54

Fotos editadas en: |Photos edited in | App Picsart/ Canva

Separadores hechos en | Separators made in | App Picsart / Canva

Traducción con | Translation with| DeepL


For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Que bonito que compartieras este momento en la vida de tu sobrina que es valioso. Ella es muy linda también. Espero ver esas fotos de la graduación . Saludos 🌷

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