
in Feathered Friends4 months ago

Hello friends,

This time of the year the fledglings are out of the nests and we can hear them begging for food and exhausting their parents.

What is fledgling?

All birds are considered to have fledged when the feathers and wing muscles are sufficiently developed for flight. A young bird that has recently fledged but is still dependent upon parental care and feeding is called a fledgling

I call them teenagers. They are visibly grown up, but yet have no experience how to find the food and being out of the nest in the wide wild world, there is so much to learn. Starting with flying, hopping and following their parents. If you have the chance to watch them, I guarantee you time of fun and real enjoyment.

One of the cuties babies is the Great Tit. It is a fluffed ball, screeching loud.


Look how hungry I am!


I don't think the parents need to be convinced. They know better these teenagers are constantly hungry and there is one thing they can do, keep on feeding them.


Here, young starling is waiting for the parent to pick the juicy bugs from the ground.


You may think it is easy to peck the bugs, but the teenager prefers the parents to do that job.


A cute baby crow on the ground. No parents around but I did not stay long and move away before they arrive and attack me.


Soon I hope to have photos of young seagulls. I saw two fledglings on the rooftop of the neighboring block of flats. It seems roofs are ideal for nesting. The other fledglings I am looking forward to seeing soon are the storks. I have to find time to visit them. After all there are two nests close to my work and it would be a shame not go and see them.

And that's all for now. Till next time and

Happy Birding



banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya

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The bird is as happy as we are, happy to see such a picture.shanks for your sharing.

Thank you for stopping by.

I was impressed to see the amazing pictures of the bird, thank you for giving me a post of such a beautiful bird.

Thank you kindly.

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